The following are a list of events that happened throughout the year and I posted about. Enjoy the recap.
3: Governor Rell is sworn in for her first full term in office. State legislators were also sworn in, which started their session.
4: History is made in Washington as
Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female speaker of the House.
7: Governor Jodi Rell gives her
budget address to members of the General Assembly. It was looked at with mixed views.
20: Former City Clerk
Helena Abrantes announces that she plans on challenging Republican Mayor Mark Boughton. Some felt others may also try to be the one to challenge Boughton, however she ended up being the only one.
13: Danbury Democrats
officially endorse Senator Chris Dodd for President. Dodd is still in the running, but polling around only one percent.
23: Congressman Chris Murphy votes for a
withdrawal date for troops in Iraq.
21: It's reported that our State Senator David Cappiello will
run for Congress against Chris Murphy.
6: Congressional candidate David Cappiello appears on Fox 61 and expresses his
views on the Iraq War publicly for the first time.
18: The General Assembly passes a bill that would allow
illegal immigrants to pay in state tuition.
1: State Senator Lou DeLuca is
arrested on accounts of conspiracy.
26: Governor Jodi Rell
vetoes a bill that would have given illegal immigrants in state tuition.
6: I write the
first post analyzing the fifth congressional district race.
2: Senator David Cappiello calls on fellow Republican Lou DeLuca
to resign.
9: The Taste of Danbury and Irish Festival is
held, while the local campaign starts getting in full swing.
12: Mayoral candidate Helena Abrantes releases a
radio ad.
18: Council candidates Lynn Taborsak and Chris Halfar
show support towards the "Danbury 11".
3: Mayor Boughton expresses his support for Mitt Romney's Presidential campaign, becoming his campaign's Connecticut
6: Election Day 2007! Mayor Boughton has a huge win, along with impressive wins by incumbent Treasurer Dan Jowdy, City Clerk Jean Natale, and Town Clerk Lori Kaback. Republicans also keep the majority on the Council.
13: Senator Lou DeLuca announces his
resignation effective November 30th after months of speculation.
8: Former Republican State Representative
Tony Nania announces he plans on opening an exploratory committee to run for the fifth congressional district. Nania would face David Cappiello in a primary if he goes through with this.
TIME Magazine names a person of the year, so I thought that this blog would do the same. However, we are going to go a little further and name a person of the year in Danbury, Connecticut, and America. On Saturday we will reveal Danbury's Person of the Year. Stay tuned!