This is very interesting news as many in Connecticut have remained quiet on who they plan on supporting. The candidate with the biggest operation in our state (besides Chris Dodd) would be Rudy Giuliani, who has received much support from Republican state legislators. Many say he is the only Republican who could carry Connecticut in the general election, and is expected to win the state primary.
It should be interesting to see what comes out of this, as it appears Boughton is going to play a pretty big role for Romney.
Go Mark! Mayor Mark is the best. He makes me proud to live in Danbury!
The last honest man in Danbury. People over politics. Whatever.
It seems like the Dem's got the Yale Lawers to spread hatred about the Mayor right at election time.
How pathetic do others have to be to use the issue of these poor 11 immigrants for an attempt in political gain? The Dem's should apologize for their actions.
The Dems. are using these illegals as a political gain? Really? Would Boughton be mayor if he didn't play this immigration card every two years? The Republicans outside of a couple on the council for whom I have respect for should apologize for existing on the council. People that need to go: Boughton, Natale, Cavo, Calendrino, Diggs, Teicholz, and Basso. I actually like Stanley and Seabury, and the other rep. members of the council I have no real feelings for. Tom Saadi is the smartest guy in the room and should be mayor, too bad he is too chicken to run for it.
Also, it doesn't surprise me that Boughton is backing a nutcase like Romney. He even gave him a plug on a couple interviews a while back
The Dem's TRIED to use the immigrant card, by supporting Helena, "I am an immigrant".
Boughton saw how the city was becoming unstable and virtually unsafe to live in due to foreign invasion. He stood up to save the city, and became Mayor.
Boughton has the "whatever it takes" attitude that this city needs.
Mayor Mark is a great man who should be honored.
The only thing right or left about the issue is that democrats in general, but not totally, refuse to support the rule of law and immigration law enforcement. Basically because they are vote pandering anarchists.
In both the long and the short run, the dems on the amnesty bus are going to get burned. They've failed to read the political climate correctly.
I heard that they are putting a statue of the great man, mayor Mark, in front of city hall. That must be why they poured a sidewalk and statue base at city hall before getting aproval from the council.
Too bad the whole ICE thing isn't going to happen because it won't come to a vote until after the election. Considering the races going on it doesn't look like Mayor Markie will have his rubber stamp anymore.
One can only hope
Pauline Basso and Mary Teicholz should do the right thing and resign before they bring the entire party down.
Why? What have they done wrong? You may not agree with them but that's no reason for them to resign.
He's been calling for them to resign for a while now. He thinks Mary runs a certain local blog. Not true.
When did he say Mary ran a blog? How do you know it was him who left that comment?
For the record, Pauline's name came up at my church yesterday and it wasn't good. I think she did something really, really bad but I was in too much of a rush to find out the details. All I can tell you is that the people who were talking about her were really upset.
Wish I new what it was? Does anyone?
Keep your church gossip on the other side of the fence. What's your point anyways? You said nothing.
You really are pathetic, btw.
I know and I'm not telling, but it's not good
Well people won't know if you won't tell which means another easy ride to re-election for her. It's probably nothing. Just a desperate rumor.
It will all come out soon. I for one can't wait. he he.
Well the media will never pick it up so as far as I'm concerned they did nothing wrong.
OMG, Basso rules!! HAHA! The Lib's are going to be pretty UPSET today, LOL!!!
I think not
"Too funny"
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