The year 2007 may end up being looked at as one of the better times in Iraq. The Iraqis have been trained to secure their country, and the threat of terrorism has reduced. Some say that General David Petraeus should have been named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year because of his leadership this past year.
I have decided not to go with him however because it is the American troops that have made the difference. Ever since this war started the mission has remained the same to them, and everyday they have gone out and proudly fought for the United States of America.
Things have been looking up in Iraq, mainly because of the surge, and those brave men and women who have risked their lives for us, deserve so much respect. They are the ones that go out and defend our nation no matter what the circumstance may be.
Success could not be seen in Iraq without the courage and commitment of our military forces. Based on that, our troops are America's 2007 Persons of the Year.
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