The 2006 election resulted in the Connecticut Democrats getting veto-proof majorities in both the house and senate. So, going onto the 2007 session looked like Democrats would get mostly what they wanted with little competition. This ended up not being true.
There were only forty four Republicans in the House of Representatives, but they made their voice heard, and it was loud. They did not agree with the tax increases that were being proposed, and they didn't even like everything about their own Governor's budget proposal. They decided to make their view heard, and ended up being successful.
The Republicans in the house call themselves, the fighting forty-four because though they may be a small group they will never give up without a fight. They were determined to make sure that this year's budget would not include any tax increases, and because of their leadership taxes were not raised. The public also seemed to accept the Republicans proposals as a Quinnipiac poll showed back in the spring.
Based on the fact that they were highly outnumbered, but still fought for the Connecticut people in an overall successful manner, makes the Fighting Forty-Four Connecticut's 2007 Persons of the Year.
Honorable Mention: Jodi Rell, Larry Cafero, John McKinney, Jan Gieglier, David Capiello, Mike McLaughlin, Louis DeLuca, James Galante, Wayne Baker, John McCain???
give me a break the governor was the only person that kept what the dems were doing from becoming law. if the flailing 44 were so powerful how did a bill allowing in-state tuition to illegals pass?
Why would John McCain fall into CT person of the year catagory. The illegal bill passed because of the huge Democratic majority. Luckily the Gov. vetoed it.
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