Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Democrats Endorse Dodd

It has been reported that the Danbury Democratic Town Committee has endorsed our Senator, Chris Dodd, for president in the 2008 election. They have decided to remain loyal to Dodd, who has been our Senator for the past twenty-six years, and is considered one of the most experienced candidates running for President. They could have picked a more popular candidate, but like most of the Democratic state officials are doing, they have endorsed Dodd.

Unfortunately, for Dodd's case, Connecticut voters haven't shown much interest in his campaign, as they like what Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stand for. The most recent Quinnipiac Poll showed that Connecticut Democrats top five picks are:
Clinton - 33%
Obama - 21%
Gore - 9%
Dodd - 8%
Edwards - 5%
Now, Dodd is said to be one who will raise a decent amount of money, and is considered a second-tier candidate, but not at the bottom of that list of candidates. Dodd may never make it to the Connecticut Primary because he may drop out, but I don't think that is really likely. He will give it his all, and devote his time to getting the nomination.
As of right now, he is definitely an underdog, but anything is possible in the world of politics. I have to say that I feel Dodd will not be the Democratic candidate for President in 2008, but his name could possibly still be on the line as a Vice-Presidential candidate, a very credible candidate for that too. Who knows? One thing is for sure, this is going to be the best race of all time!

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