Sunday, March 4, 2007

Murphy Comes To Danbury, Again

Yesterday, our Congressman, Chris Murphy (D-5), came to Danbury City Hall. He came to attend a town hall forum on education, mainly on the No Child Left Behind legislation. You can read the article here from the News Times. Murphy, a Democrat who defeated twenty-four year incumbent Nancy Johnson in November, has been going around different parts of the fifth district to talk to voters about problems and concerns that they may have.

Ever since being elected, our Congressman has been spending a lot of time in Danbury. He went to JK's restaurant to thank voters for the chance to serve them right after Election Day. Murphy also came to talk to Mayor Boughton about issues that our city face. Right after being sworn in, he came back to Danbury to go door knocking, something that is rarely done after an election. Murphy wanted to hear what voters felt were issues facing them, and wanted to know what they felt he should address in Washington. Yesterday, he came back.

Why is he spending so much time here? Now, you may know that Danbury is a swing-city of the fifth district, meaning that the candidate that happens to win Danbury has a better shot at winning the election. Also, there are a couple of people who may challenge Murphy from our area. So, is Congressman Murphy already campaigning for his 2008 re-election?


Anonymous said...

These are signs of a great congressman in the making that cares about our city in this district, and not just the concerns about the valley area

Anonymous said...

These are signs that Chris Murphy is worried about David Cappiello and Mayor Mark Boughton-he just moved into the district right before the race.

Anonymous said...

I hope the mayor runs against Murphy just to get a long deserved reality check on his political life. Cappiello may have a shot in 2010 or later but Boughton will NEVER be a congressman as long as Waterbury, New Britain, and Meriden stay in the district. He moved in because Larson is in teh first district and people do it all the time. Look at Gregg Seabury's failed attempts at state. rep. required a little bit of moving.

Anonymous said...

It is not fair to say he is campaigning here already. He is three months into his term and he ran on a campaign that said he will be in Connecticut going door to door. The fact that our former representative was out of touch with our city should not affect the way we view congressman Murphy.

Anonymous said...

The comment that starts "I hope... " must have been written by that Hat City Blog guy since he can never spell correctly. Either Boughton or Cappiello will do just fine against Murphy. At this point all signs point toward Cappiello as Boughton does not appear interested.

Anonymous said...

Well, I wouldn't say Boughton isn't interested, but Cappiello would be looked at as the most likely candidate. He would be a very strong candidate, and he is more likeable than Boughton. As of right now, Murphy looks just okay, but Cappiello will make it close, and with much time left anything can happen.

Anonymous said...

It isn't the Hat City guy.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Boughton is much more likeable. Cappiello likable? Pleaze...