Abrantes most recently was City Clerk, a position she lost in November of 2003 to our current City Clerk, Jean Natale. That was all part of the big Republican landslide that took place. She has also been very active within the Democratic Town Committee.
This doesn't come as much of a surprise as she has much name recognition, and an active Democrat. Recently, with the news that Councilman Tom Saadi and Councilwoman Lynn Taborsak (thought to be the most likely candidates...especially Saadi) not deciding to run, Abrantes may be one of the best candidates that the Democrats have.
I don't know what will happen. We will have to wait and see. I can say one thing ... she is the underdog.
I also felt that many of you may find this interesting. This was reported on the Democrats Town Committee website. It was part of the minutes from their January 8th Meeting (Emphasis done by me):
Election 2007: Kevin Morgan will chair the candidate search committee, please call him with any ideas you may have or any names of interested people you know of. We will need about 45 candidates to fill the positions open. The first and seventh wards often have a hard time finding suitable candidates so an early start should be helpful. In addition to the top of the slate, we also need Board of Ed candidate, Zoning, Constables and at large council candidates. Start looking now!
(A new poll coming tomorrow!)
I believe that Mayor Boughton is a winner.
I agree Mayor Mark will succeed in November...he has nothing to worry about! Keep up the positive energy!
Danbury is thriving under Mayor Mark. He has invested in our infrastructure with school renovations, a new Police Station, a new Fire Station (first time in 30 years). We are a safe vinrant city and will continue under the Mayor's leadership. He's got my vote!
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