Boughton's accomplishments seemed to be why the chose him, as they mentioned them. Here is probably the biggest reason behind the e

Schools have been expanded. Construction has begun on a new police headquarters. Construction has been completed on a westside firehouse. The ugly battle between Boughton and the police union over a contract has been resolved.
However, they did criticize Boughton's leadership skills, but in the end said he was best qualified. Remember, this Sunday we will be making our endorsement for Mayor.
No where in the article do they say they endorse him. They say he would be best for the job, but they did add conditions to that conclusion. By no way was it glowing for Mark. They did point out a lot of his self created problems. It was almost like, "We always endorse the incumbent but we do not want to." situation. It looked like they really liked Helena.
I wouldn't endorse just one spot if I ran this blog. Something very revealing is about to happen if you do. Try to endorse the top 4 candidates. Especially the Town Clerk where it isn't a political job and should really go to who is best qualified...
how do you feel about dirty politics and the negative campaign the democrats are running? If they were really right for the job shouldn't they be able to win with positive tactics?
"how do you feel about dirty politics and the negative campaign the democrats are running?"
As opposed to the political party of racist emails and mob money.
Most people find those emails very funny!
No one cares about donations from years ago. The feds say they wil NOT charge Boughton.
The Dems are weak AGAIN and will lose badly!
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