Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Blowout

Monday, August 11, 2008
Democratic Senate Primary
Duane Perkins was the endorsed candidate from Democrats, receiving their backing at their May convention. He currently is a member of the Common Council in Danbury representing the fifth ward. Challenging him is Terry Tierney, who had to collect over 600 signatures to force the primary. He is a real estate developer, but also a very active Democrat.
Perkins is definitely the favorite to win. He is the only one with lawn signs, and also has TV ads up. Tierney does have good name recognition in Danbury, but that might not be enough.
Based on his strength in Danbury, Tierney may actually be the better candidate to challenge Republican Mike McLachlan, who also has very good Danbury recognition. However, it appears as though Perkins will win this race, but anything is possible.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Italian Festival
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The 2nd District

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What's To Come
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Independent Senate Candidate
Bataguas tried to get the Democratic nomination, but failed and did not decide to pursue their endorsement. He is now going to appear on the ballot most likely as an independent.
The 24th Senate seat has become very interesting. The Democrats are in the middle of a primary battle between Councilman Duane Perkins, who got the nomination, and Danbury resident Terry Tierney. It will take place on August 12th. The winner of that will face Bataguas and Republican Mike McLachlan.
I will have more detailed analysis on the primary and Senate races in general, as well as the local House races within the coming weeks.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Fundraising Numbers
Raised Second Quarter
Murphy - $515,000
Cappiello - $446,000
Raised In Total
Murphy - $2.275 million
Cappiello - $1.114 million
Cash on Hand
Murphy - $1.9 million
Cappiello - $710,646
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Getting Campaign Cash
This year, state candidates can become a part of the new Citizen Elections Program. A candidate for the house needs to raise $5,000 from at least 150 people within the town or towns they represent. They will then get $25,000, which will give them $30,000 for the entire campaign. A senate candidate needs to raise $15,000 from at least 300 people. They will then get $85,000 to give them $100,000 for the campaign.
In Danbury, the only candidate who has officially received their money is Republican Mike McLachlan who is running for the State Senate. It is likely that the incumbent house members will get their money soon, as it is always easier for an incumbent to raise money. However, this will give challengers more of a level playing field. They won't have to worry about facing a well financed incumbent.
We will have to see if this ends up having a big role in the election.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Fourth of July
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Some Polls

Also, Joe Lieberman and Chris Dodd lost some ground as well. Lieberman's approval has dropped to just 45%. He polls the worst with Democrats, which he used to be, probably because of his strong and vocal support for Republican John McCain. Dodd is approved by 51% of the state, which is the same as three months ago.

Monday, June 30, 2008
A Senate Primary
Republican Mike McLachlan will have to wait until August 13th to see who his Democratic opponent will be. Terry Tierney has announced that he has collected the 615 necessary signatures in order to force a primary against Councilman Duane Perkins.
Perkins was nominated by the Democrats in May. He has the support of many high ranked Democratic officials, such as former Congressman Jim Maloney and Danbury Democratic Town Committee Chairman Joe DaSilva.
Tierney however feels that he is best prepared to lead and has the knowledge to address the challenging issues we face. The primary will be held on August 12th. Perkins would appear to be the front runner based on the fact that he was nominated, but Tierney is known in Danbury. It may be the other towns of Bethel, New Fairfield, and Sherman that truly decide who will have the chance to face McLachlan. This should be fun to watch!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Your Predictions
For President will John McCain be able to overcome President Bush, or will Barack Obama be swept in by a new crowd of voters?
For Congress will Chris Murphy repeat his impressive victory from two years ago, or will David Cappiello prove many people wrong?
For State Senate will Mike McLachlan be able to keep the seat Republican, or will Duane Perkins put it in Democratic control after over a decade absence?
For State Representative will incumbents Jason Bartlett, Joe Taborsak, Bob Godfrey, and Jan Giegler claim victory, or will Melanie O'Brien, Ted Farah, Roger Palanzo, and Bill Melillo take them out?
Let's hear what you think!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Who Will Be The Next VP?
John McCain's Running Mate
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Charlie Crist
Tim Pawlenty
Joe Lieberman
Rudy Giuliani
Condoleezza Rice
Bobby Jindal
Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Tom Ridge
Barack Obama's Running Mate
Hillary Clinton
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Ed Rendell
Kathleen Sebelius
Jim Webb
Chuck Hagel
John Edwards
Bill Richardson
Wesley Clark
Now, many other names have been mentioned, but these are some of the ones that keep being said. Both McCain and Obama will have a very big decision to make on who they want to share the ticket with. Will they look at who can carry a swing state, who shares their values, or who can help in different regions of the country? We will wait and see what happens, but it will be a very tough decision for both candidates to make.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Journalism Legend

It is extremely unfortunate that Russert had to pass at the moment he did, while not being able to cover the best presidential election ever. He would have loved it.
Today we honor his life, his service, and his passion of politics. May God Bless Tim Russert, and our prayers go out to his family and friends.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Million Dollars

Monday, June 9, 2008
Are We In Play?

Thursday, June 5, 2008
South Dakota & Montana Primary Results

Clinton: 55%
Obama: 45%
However, the night ended with the last state going for Obama. He won the first contest in Iowa and after a lot of stuff happened in between, he won the last contest in Montana. These were the results:
Obama: 57%
Clinton: 41%
Now that this race is over the questions start over whether Clinton will be Obama's running mate. It's viewed as a dream ticket, but also can be seen as Obama going against his "change" message. Also, questions start over who John McCain will select.
However, time will tell what will happen. It's just nice to finally be in general election mode as we await one of the most exciting presidential campaigns ever between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. It will be a fun ride from here!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Puerto Rico Primary Results

Clinton: 68%
Obama: 32%
Tomorrow are the final two primaries in the race. Obama clearly has the delegate lead, and is within nearly forty to clinch. With super delegates running to him, Obama may be able to clinch the nomination this week. Some say Clinton may take her fight to the convention, but the possibility seems very unlikely. It will be interesting to see what she does, but it is likely that we won't be seeing any fireworks. However anything is possible!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
State Representative Candidates
2nd District
Melanie O'Brien (R)
Jason Bartlett (D-Inc.)
109th District
Ted Farah (R)
Joe Taborsak (D-Inc.)
110th District
Roger Palanzo (R)
Bob Godfrey (D-Inc.)
138th District
Jan Giegler (R-Inc.)
Bill Melillo (D)
As the month continues I am going to write about each of these races and analyze them. Some have the potential to get interesting, especially the 2nd district in my opinion.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Possible Primary
If he does force a primary, by getting the 615 signatures he needs, it will be held in August. Perkins won the nomination, by a very big margin. Teirney said that it was important to unite the party, however he has now said, the he is by far the best person for the job.
This could get very interesting.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Kentucky & Oregon Primary Results

Obama: 58%Clinton: 42%
Clinton: 65%Obama: 30%
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Perkins Gets Senate Nod

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Democratic Dilemma
Tierney is just another Democratic candidate who wants to be the nominee of their party. Councilman Duane Perkins also announced his intention to run, as well as Manuel Bataguas. The Democratic convention is tomorrow night.
Perkins claims to have enough support to be nominated, however their is a possibility of a primary, which would occur in August. Whoever is the nominee will face Republican Mike McLachlan. This could get interesting.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
West Virginia Primary Results

Most people have come to the conclusion that Barack Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee. However, Hillary Clinton still thinks she has a shot and the results in West Virginia show that many people still really like and want Clinton. Here were the results:
Clinton: 67%
Obama: 26%
Now, this is not likely to hurt Obama's chance at taking on John McCain, but if Clinton could continue to win a few of the upcoming contests like this (which she may) then she has every right to stay in the race. We will wait and see.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Cappiello Ready For Murphy

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Democrats Show Senate Interest

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
NC & IN Primary Results

Obama: 56%
Clinton: 42%
Clinton: 51%
Obama: 49%
Monday, May 5, 2008
Nomination Month
Here is what we already know, although it is not yet official. Also some breaking news in the State Senate race as I just found a Democratic candidate file paperwork to open a campaign committee.
Congress - 5th District
Chris Murphy (D-Incumbent)
David Cappiello (R-Challenger)
(Possible nomination and primary challenge by Republican Tony Nania)
State Senate - 24th District
Mike McLachlan (R)
Duane Perkins (D)
State Representative -
2nd District
Jason Bartlett (D-Incumbent)
Melanie O'Brien (R-Challenger)
109th District
Joe Taborsak (D-Incumbent)
110th District
Bob Godfrey (D-Incumbent)
138th District
Jan Giegler (R-Incumbent)
William Melillo (D-Challenger)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Second District Candidate

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Pennsylvania Primary Results
Clinton: 55%
Obama: 45%
What does this mean? Well, she picked up a few delegates but nothing major. However, she has gained momentum and keeps saying how the tide is changing.
The next contests are in two weeks as Indiana and North Carolina votes. Clinton has a slight edge in Indiana and Barack Obama has a nice lead in North Carolina. If Clinton could manage to win both, she would have a very credible case to make. If they both win one, then things probably remains the same. However, if Obama win them both, it may be enough to convince the super delegates that he should be the nominee.
Money Numbers
Quarter One
Murphy: $400,000
Cappiello: $255,000
In Total
Murphy: $1.75 million
Cappiello: $652,000
Cash on Hand
Murphy: $1.55 million
Cappiello: $420,000
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Open Forum
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Danbury Day

Monday, April 7, 2008
The Journey Ends
Overall, this was a very good season for them. After losing two starters, the Huskies came out in full force and were determined to reach the Final Four, which they did.
They lost a few seniors, but they should be a very good team next year, and should be ranked pretty high. They will definitely be national championship material.
However, we move on, and now this blog will once again go back to reporting on politics full force. Many local candidates will be starting to announce their candidacies, so this should be a pretty fun ride until November.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
UConn-66 Rutgers-56

Monday, March 31, 2008
UConn-78 Old Dominion-63

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Democrats Beat McCain In CT
Barack Obama: 52%
John McCain: 35%
Hillary Clinton: 45%
John McCain: 42%
About two weeks ago I reported on polls done by Rasmussen Reports. They had Obama up by 12% and Clinton up by 3%, very similar to these results.
What is becoming clear in Connecticut is that Obama should not have much of a problem beating McCain, but if Clinton is the nominee, then our state will probably be competitive.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
UConn-89 Texas-55

Monday, March 24, 2008
UConn-89 Cornell-47
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
State Representative Candidate
Melillo ran unsuccessfully for the Common Council at Large last November. He would face incumbent Republican Jan Giegler, who has served the district since being elected in 2002.
Giegler had a tough fight to win the seat winning by only 16 votes. However, she won nearly 60% of the vote in 2006. Despite a landslide year for Democrats, Giegler was able to earn 55% of the vote to win a third term in 2006.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Journey Begins
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Connecticut Presidential Polls
John McCain: 38%
Barack Obama: 50%
John McCain: 44%
Hillary Clinton: 47%
What's interesting is that McCain does so well against Hillary despite her being the Senator from New York. Obama does have a twelve point lead, but that could decrease if McCain does what he says, and competes in northeast.
This should be interesting. I've always thought that if McCain or Rudy Giuliani were the GOP nominee that our state would get competitive. I think Connecticut will get some more attention this year, something we haven't seen in a long time.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Rell Shows Support For Cappiello

Monday, March 10, 2008
Can Connecticut Turn Red?

Saturday, March 8, 2008
McLachlan Kicks Off Senate Bid

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Super Tuesday II Results

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Bloomberg Will Not Run For President
Bloomberg mentioned that he may endorse a candidate if one shows that they will put politics aside and work in a bi-partisan manner. Both John McCain and Barack Obama appeal to independents, and both always talk about unity.
A Bloomberg endorsement would only help either one. He could also give them a lot of money. And don't forget about Hillary, she's not out yet. She may of had a bad February with the primaries, but she just announced that she did well with the money. Texas and Ohio are critical for her.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saadi Says No To Senate Bid

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dodd Endorses Obama

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Nader's Running Again
Nader is running as an Independent. He is most known as for possibly taking away the presidency from Al Gore in 2000. It should be interesting to see what his impact will be. It may hurt the Democrats slightly, but probably not anything big.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Vice President Rell?

Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy President's Day
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Local Races
First of all, I belive the best race to watch will probably be the race for the State Senate. David Cappiello is not running because he is running for Congress, so this leaves the seat open. A Republican has held the seat (24th district) for over a decade. This may be the Democrats first realistic chance to take the seat in many years. However, the question will be if they can.
It appears as though Mike McLaughlin, Mayor Mark Boughton's chief of staff, will be the Republican candidate. No real Democrats have been rumored to run. Depending on who does for them will make this race either a good or bad one to watch.
As for the races for State Representative, it is a little early to predict. First of all, I have not heard of anybody considering challenging the incumbents. The safest seat, as of now, is probably the 110th district, where very popular Bob Godfrey serves. The weakest is hard to say, but the 2nd district has traditionally been closer, where Jason Bartlett currently represents. However, Bartlett had an impressive victory in 2006, and Godfrey cliamed another landslide win.
The 109th district is currently represented by Joe Taborsak, who ended up winning by a nice margin in 2006, in a race that was expected to be close. The 138th district has traditionally been the most Republican of the four districts. It is the only one served by a Republican, Jan Giegler. She did fairy well in 2006 considering it was a very Democratic year.
As candidates start to emerge I will continue to write more. Some of these races could be very interesting depending on the candidates.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Boughton Goes To McCain
"He is American hero. I don't agree with everything he stands for but in general, I believe he will make an outstanding President."
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Danbury Primary Results

- McCain: 1,084 (49%)
- Romney: 787 (36%)
- Huckabee: 144 (7%)
On the Democratic side, Danbury was one of the bright spots for Hillary Clinton. She won our city narrowly, despite Barack Obama winning our state. Here are their results:
- Clinton: 2,373 (51%)
- Obama: 2,125 (46%)
Connecticut Democrats made our state the only northeastern one to not go in favor of Clinton. McCain has all but locked up the nomination. It will be interesting to see how our city goes in November. They were very nice to President Bush in 2004, and McCain is much more moderate than him. This means that McCain may not only have a decent shot at winning Danbury, but also Connecticut. We will just have to wait and see.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Connecticut Primary Results
On Tuesday, Connecticut voters went to select who they would like represent their party for President. John McCain scored a big win in our state, and Barack Obama pulled off a surprising win. Here were the Republican results:
- McCain: 52%
- Romney: 33%
- Huckabee: 7%
- Paul: 4%
- Obama: 51%
- Clinton: 47%
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Bowl XLII: Giants or Patriots?

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Florida Primary Results

Gee, what a wild tenty-four hours! Yesterday Florida voters went to the polls and voted in their party's primary. On the Republican side, John McCain won an impressive victory over Mitt Romney. This now gives him a lead in delegates, and gives him the front-runner status. Here are the GOP results:
- McCain: 36%
- Romney: 31%
- Giuliani: 15%
- Huckabee: 14%
- Paul: 3%
After a bad showing, coming in third, Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race today. Once the national front-runner, he skipped the early primaries to focus directly on Florida, however it did not work out for him. Giuliani publically endorsed McCain today, saying he will help him in whatever way he wants. What I found interesting was when McCain said Giuliani will join him in the campaign as his right hand man. Do we see a possible GOP ticket brewing?
On the Democratic side, no delegates were at stake because they got punished. However Hillary Clinton did win. Here are their results:
- Clinton: 50%
- Obama: 33%
- Edwards: 14%
Today, John Edwards also withdrew from the race saying it was time for him to leave. He has not endorsed a candidate. This now sets up a tough battle between Clinton and Obama. It should get very fun! Super Tuesday is almost here!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rell Endorses McCain
Rell has stayed neutral up until now, indicating at times that she may choose McCain or Rudy Giuliani. The Governor is pro-choice, which is what may have delayed her announcement. However, with Giuliani fading, the McCain endorsement makes a lot of sense.
This now gives McCain a very strong base here in Connecticut. Not only does he have Governor Rell, but he also has Senator Joe Lieberman and Congressman Chris Shays. Lt. Governor Mike Fedele announced today that he too supports the Arizona Senator. He also leads in the latest poll by double digits. McCain won our state in 2000.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
South Carolina Democratic Primary Results

- Obama: 55%
- Clinton: 27%
- Edwards: 18%
This was a big win for Obama, as he now gains momentum going into Super Tuesday on Feb. 5th. It should be interesting what happens based on this win. Many expected him to win, however I believe the strength of his victory was what surprised a lot of people.
Some wonder how much race had to do with this primary contest. Interesting enough Obama won the African American vote huge, and actually Edwards won the vote from white voters. It was a very interesting day in South Carolina, and it is going to only get more fun from here.
Murphy, Cappiello Release Numbers
Murphy raised about 331 K. He raised a total of 1.4 million in 2007, and has 1.2 on hand. Cappiello raised about 131 K. He raised about 400 K in 2007, and has about 238 K on hand.
Going into a new year should be very interesting to watch. A possible Republican primary is being talked about, and these numbers may have a big influence on whether it happens or not. Time will only tell. Cappiello did raise a lot of money by a grassroots organization, however Murphy does have a very nice lead over him in finances.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Governor Jodi Rell has yet to decide on a candidate. Rumor has it that she may before our state's primary on February 5th, and that she is leaning towards either McCain or Giuliani. Senator Chris Dodd has yet to endorse anyone as well, ever since his withdrawal from the campaign. Here is a list of some of some people's endorsements that you may find interesting.
John McCain
- Senator Joe Lieberman
- Congressman Chris Shays
Rudy Giuliani
- State Senate Minority Leader John McKinney
- State House Minority Leader Larry Cafero
Mitt Romney
- Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton
Hillary Clinton
- Attorney General Richard Blumenthal
- Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy
- Bridegport Mayor Bill Finch
- State Representative Bob Godfrey
- State Representative Jason Bartlett
- Senate President Pro Tem Donald Williams
- Ned Lamont
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Connecticut's Preference?

- Clinton: 41%
- Obama: 27%
- Edwards: 9%
On the Republican side, voters went with who they did in 2000, John McCain. This is very different from older polls that had Rudy Giuliani, the hero from next door, leading. McCain has a huge double digit lead. Here are their results:
- McCain: 39%
- Giuliani: 16%
- Romney: 11%
I find it weird how Giuliani has slipped so much in our state. If he were to win Florida, it could get more interesting. I know I haven't spent a lot of time covering more local stories, however this race has become so intense and interesting that I find it hard not to report on. It should be fun to see who Connecticut goes with on February 5th.