Many rumors have been circled around, and many know who is running on the top of the ticket, on each side. Republican Mayor Mark Boughton is facing Democrat Helena Abrantes. Republican City Treasurer Dan Jowdy has no known opponent at this time...we will just have to see if one emerges by Thursday night. City Clerk Jean Natale, a Republican, is facing Democrat Eileen Coladarci in a rematch from the previous election. To finish out the top of the ticket, Democratic Town Clerk Lori Kaback is facing Democrat turned Republican Pudgie Delohery.
In my opinion, the City Clerk's race is going to be the most competitive and the most vulnerable race for the incumbent currently in office. However, the Town Clerk's race is going to be very interesting based on who the candidates are. Whatever the case, on Thursday night the official start of the campaign season will begin. Stay tuned, it's going to be a good one!
UPDATE: I just saw that Democratic candidate for City Clerk, Eileen Coladarci, has put up her campaign website. You can view it here. Oh, this is going to be some race.
Eileen Coladarci can have all the websites she wants. She has been a loser in the past, and she will be a loser in the future. K-Back is the race to watch. Pudgie is going to smoke her... You just don't get how popular. And don't go there about Democrat turned Republican, your man Cappiello was a Democrat.
You're so sad. How about something positive for a change?
Excuse me? Tell me when Cappiello was a Democrat. It's news to me.
Pudgie is running for Town Clerk because of the benefits (DAYO doesn't have great health care). She'll lose and it just goes to show how desperate the Republicans are that they have to go and find a Democrat that supported Kaback in 05 to run against her.
The race to watch is City Clerk as Jean will go down as probably the worse City Clerk in the history of the city.
People change political parties all the time. It's done on both sides of the isle and for many different reasons. Also, it would be nice if some respect was being shown to all the people who have the guts to put their names out there for election.
One certain blogger believes if you support Mark, you are a bigot. No one likes bullies like that.
Helen does not stand a chance. It helps that she has a penchant for immigrants, but that's the only way she'll get any votes.
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