Incumbent Democrat Lori Kaback, is trying to be re-elected to a second term
as Town Clerk, a post that she earned two years ago, after running a very solid and aggressive campaign. She beat Joe Scozafava by over 1,300 votes in the hottest contested race of the year. Before being elected, she served as the Assistant Town Clerk.

This year, the Republicans have decided to go with Pudgie Delohery, a former Democrat who actually helped Kaback get elected two years a
go. She is the President of D.A.Y.O., and is very well known throughout the community. To be honest, whatever your opinion is on this race, I believe that the Republicans were very smart in who they got to run because they have now made this race very interesting, and one that the Democrats really have to focus on.

Many have said that this is the race to watch this year, just like it was back in 2005. I believe this race, and the one for City Clerk, will be the best. However, the media may focus on this race because of the circumstances. Whatever the case, what once seemed like an easy victory for Kaback has become an intense fight to the finish.
As of right now, this race is a toss-up.
City clerk is a toss-up, this one Kaback has the upper-hand. Pudgie is a good lady but Lori has all the experience as even before she was elected she worked in the office for years. She will remind the voters of that and win this Novemeber
Boughtons coat tails nudges pudgie in by a hair.
Right now: Pudgie 51% and Lori 49%
Oh come on. You know nothing about Pudgie except that she was head of DAYO and somehow she's going to somehow give Kaback a run for her money?
Running for Town Clerk isn't a popularity contest. The race to watch will be the Common Council race in the 3rd as well as the City Clerk race.
If the Danbury DTC play their card right and point out Boughton's failures (there are plenty) while Abrantes makes her case, you can kiss Boughton's coat tail goodbye (the Republicans are hoping on a low-turnout).
you are such a moron. the town clerks race is a popularity contest and boughton has far more success than any other mayor in history..
yes, mayor boughton has more popularity than any other mayor in history. just think about what you said and never post again
I am thinking about it, and I know I am right and it will be proven in November.
Gene: Mayor for 12 years and Democrats had to give seats to Republicans during EACH election.
Mark: Lost seats on the council to Dems in '05.
It isn't even close.
couldnt have said it better, how could you say something ignorant like that. i dont know who was but to say boughton is funny because he isnt even the most popular of the last ten years.
Gene- No Republican opposition in 97', and 99'. Gene sold out our city resources AWD, US Filter, Developers. etc. etc. Absent from City Hall, did nothing to stop overdevelopment. Ice Rink disaster that cost Danbury millions upon millions. No paving for 4 years. Never showed up to work..I could go on and on. Where were the Republicans? Asleep. Running the City as a Republican is different than a Democrat. The Mayor lost 3 seats in 2005, so what?
Go Pudgie!! Bye Bye Lori.
never proposed a Police Station if he did where is it? Ice Rink had many inspections this is a private building and oh excuse me has there been a problem with the rink?, Democrats controlled the zoning commission with real estate agents on the panel. The Mayor's wife does not sell cabinets to BRT-I hope she sees this so she can sue the poster. I will let her know. Gene proposed parking deck for 100 cars-Mayor proposed garage- check your facts. Democrats allowed thousands of condo's to be approved without a plan of development. Summers almost over.
The race for Town Clerk will be a good race and yes it isn't popularity but who is the more respected and people person. Pudgie has managed people as well as has great organization skills. Lori skated by beating Scozzafava who wasn't that good in the post. This city needs a real hard worker and people person with skills not some kiss up to old administration who can no longer run!! Boughton has a strong candidate and that is why Pudgie was picked! Go Pudgie!
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