Both candidates filed their financial reports, as Boughton has 22,130 on hand. Abrantes has 9,090 on hand. When compared to the last Democrat running for mayor, Dean Esposito, Abrantes has raised 7,590 more, so things are looking a little better for the Democrats. On the other hand, Boughton raised 40,000 two years ago at this point
The election season is starting to take shape and will officially start next week. What's going to happen?
Boughton by a landslide again.
Abrantes is an illegal alien panderer and will NEVER win.
that picture makes her look ability beyond disabilitied.
...and that picture makes Boughton look like a bobble-head doll.
Anyone who favors Boughton is an immigrant hater, xenophobe, racist bigot, fear mongering fool... and they probably like to eat at Elmer's diner and park on the road. They don't go to Rosie's at night in fear of the immigrants living in the woods close by. They post on the newstimes. thissiteisawful. I miss my parades.
Abrantes doesn't even have the brains to run a day care facility. Typical politics. Throw some common fool up there to say yay, "Immigrants are the Best!" and "I should be Mayor cause I like them!"
Everyone knows this is a joke but having her in the public eye for this reason is an embarassment to the city.
Abrantes would pull a Cinta-Lowe the next time ICE stops by.
We need a Mayor that supports the law, not encouraging others to break it.
Hey I like Elmer's-Good Food!
Seems like the bottom feeders kids with no day job have arrived at this site.
I feel sorry for you DP. Maybe you should turn off the anonymous comments. Most of these posts are stupid.
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