I'm starting to get really into the 2008 Congressional races, like many political junkies are. So, I thought I'd explain why our fifth district race is really going to be a showdown. Recently, many have been saying that despite the high likability of our State Senator David Cappiello here in Danbury, he won't have much of a chance against Congressman Chris Murphy in many other parts of the fifth district. But here is why this race will be a good one.
To begin with, David Cappiello did a good job in the second quarter. He
raised about 200K, which is more than people expected. Murphy still raised more, about 357K, but Cappiello impressed the National Republicans, which has now targeted Chris Murphy. Also Murphy raised less then the first quarter, and Cappiello raised more then Murphy did at this time when he ran against Nancy Johnson. People have been impressed with the numbers, but it doesn't really come as much of a surprise because he knows how to raise money, and always raised a lot when he ran for the State Senate. He will need to continue this, and only get better.

Secondly, Cappiello is not a conservative Republican. He is extremely moderate, and very critical of President Bush. Back in May, six Republican candidates for Congress were interviewed by the Washington Post. Cappiello, one of the six candidates, was not afraid to criticize the President, as the article says : 

On the war in Iraq, only Cappiello said he didn't agree with President Bush's approach. "The war was handled poorly from the beginning," Cappiello said. Others were far less willing to
acknowledge mistakes.
He was also said to be the most moderate, and a true New England Republican:
Cappiello, perhaps the most moderate candidate in the group, said the Republican brand stands for "looking to make the future a better place." He added that he chooses to emphasize fiscal rather than social issues.
Since, Cappiello is not on the President's side, and Murphy isn't either, it should be interesting how the war, and other issues are carried out. Right now, Murphy probably has the upper hand in the race, but there is a lot of time left.
What a Cappiello cheerleader you are.
Lets see:
It's a Presidential year.
The war is a joke, will Cappiello be another Chris Shays?
Cappiello is NOT well known throughout the entire 5th (his family name doesn't go far beyond the Danbury area.
Murphy is well liked throughout the 5th.
Murphy beat Johnson on EVEY voting machine in Danbury.
Cappiello has not gotten ANY legislation through this session (good grief, Taborsak was even able to propose and get a bill passed).
Cappiello supported DeLuca during the scandal.
Cappiello took money from AWD this quarter.
Murphy is 200K shy from 1,000,000 while Cappiello has a little under 200K.
...but keep cheering from Republican headquarters.
I didn't say anything about favoring one candidate over another. However, it should be said that this race is going to be very interesting. You posted a list of neagtives about Cappiello which we will see brought up throughout the campaign, but we will also see lists of positive things on Cappiello as well. Like I said in my post -- right now, Murphy does have the upper hand, and would win today. But many said Nancy Johnson would win at this time as well when she faced Murphy. Only time will tell.
One thing I can say is that the results in Danbury will be very different then what they were like in 2006. And being a Presidential year could help either one of them, depending who their party's nominate.
2008 will only hurt Republicans as the anti-war vote will only be stronger and the Republcian candidates are pro-war (Guliani, McCain, Romney). Fred Thompson poll numbers will sink once people hear his trophy wife speak for the first time (and the Democrats check her G.E.D status).
Johnson was more popular than Cappiello and had the better name ID. Look, this isn't a local or state election here, we're taking about Congress and a district that goes from Simsbury to Danbury.
Besides Brookfield, where does Cappeillo have a chance in beating Murphy? Waterbury, New B., Simsbury, Southbury, Newtown?
You could make a case if Cappiello's state seat covered mroe than Danbury but it doesn't and he'll need to work his tail off to have any chance against a Congressman that is already well-liked in the entire 5th (including Danbury).
You're really talking this whole thing up too much...talk about this next spring after the primary.
Love the photos. Why is it that the republicans get nice file photos, but you chose to use ones of democrats that would make drivers license photo look good?
Will this be the standard to look for as this is not the first time?
I put up what I find. Tell me some photos that you aren't fond of, just for the record these are both the photos that the News-Times often uses of them.
Sorry about the last comment...it was me...just forgot to sign in.
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