Today, Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of President Lyndon B. Johnson died at the age of 94. She died of natural causes, and was surrounded by her family. Lady Bird Johnson died in Austin, Texas where she has lived in or around since her husband decided not to run for another term as President. She had a devoted life to always giving back to the community, and always being by her husbands' side during his political career. Our hearts and prayers are with the Johnson family, and we thank them for all that they have done for our country.
"...and we thank them for all that they have done for our country."
Like the stubborn refusal to get out of Vietnam.
Whether or not you agree with their policies, when you serve your country for so many years, you deserve respect.
"when you serve your country for so many years, you deserve respect."
Johnson: Vietnam (thousands died).
Nixon: Vietnam (thousands died), throwing away the constitution, resigning in disgrace.
Regan: Ignoring the AIDS crisis calling it a "gay disease" thus not taking the situation seriously for years (thousands died).
George W. Bush/ Dick Cheney: Using events of 9/11 for political purposes (disgraceful), Iraq (thousands died), torture (resulted in rise in American hatred), throwing away of the constitution (e.g., illegal wiretaping), using the same blueprint (with the help of neo-cons like Joe Lieberman) to lay out a plan to attack Iran.
When millions of people vote for you, and serve your country they do deserve respect. See this is the problems in politics and just in this country today. Nobody has respect for the people that serve them or just people in general. You can make all the lists you want of the bad things that former or current Presidents did. They all did something good though, and they deserve to be honored for their service to our country. You know I don't believe I'm actually writing this. I posted on the death of one of our former first ladies, we should honor her life and cherish all that she did, not bash someone whenever we have the chance. It's ashame that some people just don't know when to stop, and put their political differences aside.
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