Saturday, August 25, 2007

Is It Working?

"It's working. We're just years too late in our tactics."

That was Hillary Clinton who said that, a Democrat running for President, who has admitted that President Bush's plan to send over 20,000 more troops to Iraq, known as the surge, is working. Another Democratic candidate, Barack Obama, has also said that many can now agree that the troop surge is working as well. However, they are quick to mention that the Iraqi government is not headed in the right direction, and that diplomacy is not taking place.

The question now is, what's next? General Petraeus is going to report on the surge in September, and it is likely that he will ask for more time to work with this new strategy. The majority of Americans still don't feel that the surge is working, however the numbers are increasing with positive thoughts regarding it. We will have to see what Petraeus really says, and hopes that he gives the truth, on all aspects, and doesn't tilt to what Bush wants him to say.

One thing that can be said, was that ever since the surge started, it was always said that there were signs that showed improvement and success. Also, there is probably one person who is sitting watching all of this take place, hoping that the public opinion numbers increasingly grow in favor of the surge, and wanting the news to be seen as positive as possible. That person is the one who started the whole talk of the surge, the one who should benefit the most from success -- John McCain. If the public see good results, look for a surge in the polls for McCain. The American people would have to have the mindset that the first three and a half years of the war were a mess, and that it didn't really start going in a better direction since January. But they shouldn't be expected to think that way, and who can blame them. Who knows what will happen.


Anonymous said...

The surge is not working, it only moved the problem to another spot. As for the Sept. report, General Petraeus is not writing it, Bush and the other war mongers are. So what do you think it will say!
This fact was widely reported by msnbc weeks ago.
Turn off Fox and turn on NPR to get the truth.

Anonymous said...

Many of us are not really qualified to know if the surge is working. We aren't in Iraq and don't have military experience. I'd only trust the generals and commanders and maybe a few politicians such as Joe Biden, John McCain and Chuck Hagel.

Can't trust the media because they are far to liberal.

Anonymous said...

The only one I would trust is Chuck Hagel. He speaks the truth, forget the others. McCain is out of touch. He and Joe Lieberman should get a room.
How many generals have said things are not working? When they report the truth, Bush moves them else were and gets some one else. How many generals are we up to now?
As to the liberal media, it is the other way around. Have a look. Fox is the worst.
They bashed people for reporting the rape and killing in Iraq by US servicemen and blame the liberals, but when the servicemen confessed, not a word was spoken. I guess it did not fit the spin and this happens over and over. No one reports the news any more. They just worry about ratings.
So who is the liberal media? Why must people take sides instead of looking for the truth. I guess the truth is not too nice to look at. We have been lied to and we are too ashamed to admit it.
NPR, no spin and no agenda, just facts, good or bad.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Well it's not the opposite Fox is just an exception.