Jowdy was elected Treasurer in 2003 by nearly 2,000 votes. He earned re-
election is 2005 by a little more than 1,000 votes. Cotter was a former member of the Board of Education and Democratic Town Committee. He is also an attorney.

Now, at many community events, such as the festivals in the late summer and early fall, Jowdy has made a good presence. From what I see, Cotter has not made the presence that Jowdy has. For example, I haven't seen one lawn s
ign for him. However, that does not mean that he isn't out there. He may be doing many behind the scenes work, connecting with voters one on one.

Jowdy does have many lawn signs out, and is definitely known throughout the city. Cotter does have an ad on the News-Times website, but that's about as much as I've seen. Something interesting to note is that I've noticed a decent number of lawn signs for Jowdy at houses with Democratic signs, just a to see his wide range of support.
One thing is for sure, this race is not going to get really any attention. It's being overshadowed by the races for Town and City Clerk, along with the race for Mayor. It should be interesting what comes out, but truthfully I don't see how Cotter could pull off a win. But hey -- who knows?
The fact this is post ran and there was no coverage of what happened over the past day is revealing to some people...
We'll definitely see JOWDY BACK IN NOVEMBER! Good luck Dan!
6 votes from this supporting family!
Cotter signs went out the other night. Possibly (4) out? - He hit the Westville, Starr Avenue, Deer Hill sections...that's about it.
Sounds to me that COTTER was hooked at the last minute into running for treasurer on the Democratic ticket.
Did Cotter really understand what campaigning was all about?
Our votes are with Danny Jowdy, a well accomplished man, well liked in the community but mainly a lifelong friend.
Cotter doesn't have a chance.
Vote Jowdy!!!
Daniel Jowdy has helped this community in more ways than one. Let's recognize that on November 6th!
We're immigrants and have voted for Mark Boughton in the past. He, and his whole team will get our 4 votes again this year. Well done Mayor Boughton and the whole Republican Team.
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