"I'm in, and I'm in to win." Those were the words spoken earlier this year by Hillary Clinton, the front-runner Democratic candidate for President, and the first woman running who has a very good chance at winning the White House. Less than one-hundred years ago, women were not allowed to vote, let alone run for public office. Today, that has changed. We see it nationally with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Hillary Clinton, as well as Secretary of State Condolezza Rice. We see it within our state, as we have a female Governor. We also see it locally, and perhaps this year more than we have ever seen before. Whatever the case, women have moved u
p the political system, something that has taken too long to happen.

Here in Danbury, we have a woman as our City an Town Clerk, seven women are on the Council, and six of eleven members are women on the Board of Education. However, this election four women have single handily made two top office races very interesting.
Jean Natale, Eileen Coladarci, Lori Kaback, and Pudgie Delohery are all competing to either keep or take control of the City or Town Cler
k's seat. Those two races have become the most competitive of the top four offices.

In the City Clerk's race, Republican Jean Natale is trying to keep her seat for another two years. First elected by nearly 1,700 votes in 2003, she earned a second term in 2005 winning by about 400 votes. She faced Eileen Coladarci in 2005, who has decided to challenge her again this year.
She took many votes away from Natale in 2005, and is trying to pick up even more this year. Natale seems to understand the challenge is no joke, and is working very hard to keep her seat. However, Coladarci is also working hard.

The race for Town Clerk is the most exciting because it features two very known people in our city. Incumbent Lori Kaback is trying to keep her seat that she won in 2005 by over 1,500 votes. This year she is facing Republican Pudgie Delohery, President of D.A.Y.O. Republicans would l
ove to take back the Town Clerk's seat, however it isn't going to be easy. As said earlier, Kaback is very well known, and fairly popular. Though, Delohery is also well known. Politics shouldn't be a popularity contest, but this race may very well end up being one.

These four women have made this year's election even more exciting. They are fiercely out campaigning, and all vying for support. They have also shown us that women have made a difference in the political process. Democrats even nominated a woman for Mayor, Helena Abrantes. We have just sixteen days until voters go to the polls. Will they make history, and elect a woman Mayor? And which two of these four women will they elect as our next City and Town Clerk?
Natale is going to hold on but Pudgie won't pull it off.
Kaback's affiliation with Big T destroyed her chances this election.
Still avoiding the two major news stories of the month although you had no problem babbling and babbling about the Danbury 11.
Glad to see that you get your marching orders from Wayne.
DP wrote 2 stories on Danbury 11 and didn't babble and babble. DP might not of reported on this but if you read this last post you'd see it didn't have a Republican spin. Keep up the good work!
Obviously this report had a Republican spin.
Jean isn't doing crap just like she did last year when she lost to Eileen on the machine count. If it wasn't for the absentee ballots (Mary Ann Dorn's evil hands) Jean would have lost the race.
Pudgie hasn't done squat because she's doing 10 jobs at the same time, which is why she doesn't deserve to be Town Clerk.
Abrantes gets a blip in this post although she going up against a man who's had the worse three weeks in his political career.
How much is Wayne paying you...
"Those are probably pictures from his family album."
Real class. No wonder people call Danbury the armpit of Connecticut.
Why don't you just call him a nigger and get it over with.
Jean is doing a lot more than last time. Pudgie does so much which is why she has a shot.
Who the hell cares about popularity? Let's talk qualifications people....
City Clerk Jean Natale, yea she's qualified but it seems to me that the 5 months she was out of office (broken leg) her job was well accomplished by others in city hall.
Town Clerk Lori Kaback, 15+ years in that office and some of you think Delohery would be a better choice....C'mon now.
And that's a wrap folks!
Natale is working hard? Where?
Jean rode on Mark's coattails and still lost the machine count. With her office actually running while she was out with a broken leg, and the Democrats learning from their mistakes in not pushing more people to fill our absentee ballots, Natale has no chance in winning again and the gossip queen's run as the luckiest City Clerk in the history of Danbury will come to an end.
Pudgie has gone on record stating that she won't give up cheerleading and probably wont' give up DAYO. What makes anyone think that someone who wears at least 20 hats volunteering for different things has what it takes to be Town Clerk?
Boughton had an awful October and his at large candidates (except for Stanley and Knapp) are no where to be found. If he wins, he can kiss that majority good-bye.
Heck, with all the Galante mess (which is noticeably absent on this site), Mark better hope the state attorneys don't come after him.
It's a fact that Jean is working her butt off. She's out walking all the time and spending a lot more time than last time campaigning. As for Coladarci it says on the DDTC site that she wears a lot of hats too, just like Pudgie does.
Comparing Eileen to Pudgie is laughable at best.
Jean has done a horrible job this term. Minutes riddled with errors, waiting forever to get any information from the office, never in her office, etc.
The person who commented about Jean is correct. The only reason she won last time around was because the DTC did a horrible job with absentee votes. Eileen killed her on the machines in '05 and I'm certain the DTC learned from their mistakes.
Pudgie has a laundry list of problems with the top one being that she's gone on record saying that she'll continue her schedule if she wins. There is no way someone can do all that volunteering and hold on of the most important positions at City Hall.
Abrantes has a chance in beating Boughton simply because of recent developments ranging from the Danbury 11 lawsuit, the way he handled the Pauline Basso fiasco, and his involvement with Galante.
Abrantes would never win based on Danbury 11. That's an issue that whether you like it or not goes the Republican way. People want illegal immigration to get resolved.
Lori Kaback is a fine woman. I will vote for her again. I respect Pudgie, but I hear she is a Democrat turned Republican!!
Now for the likes of Warren Levy, Paul McAllister and John Gogliettino, the are danbury Democrat LOSERS!!! I do not trust any of them. they will not get my vote !!
As an outsider to Danbury, I have read up on your Town Clerks race.
This office is far too important a position for the needs of a city as large as yours, to even consider this job being given away to a challenger with no experience. This would prove to be detrimental to the efficiency of the city's daily functions. Two years ago your Town Clerk's office took on a new direction under the leadership of an experienced candidate and has redefined the essence of customer service and effective management. The voters of Danbury would be foolish to lose that in a popularity contest.Danbury voters, look beyond your politics. The town Clerk is a job to be taken seriously. Lori Kaback has proven herself to its citizen and severe you well.
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