Just to note there are seven Board of Education seats open this year. Six of them are for a four year term, and the other is a two year term. I'll have more to come on ballot placing and voting in general in the weeks to come because it can get very confusing.
All those interested in listening to Mayor Mark Boughton and his Democratic challenger Helena Abrantes, as well as those running for the school board should go to Roger's Park on Tuesday night at 7PM.
Let me get this straight.
In September you did not one BUT two write-ups on Taborsak and Halfar going up to the Danbury 11 trial (where we learned that the Mayor possibly lied about the city's role in the sting operation). You gave your "in-dpeth" analysis of the political impact of those two Democrats supporting the Yale students.
NOW, we have two Republicans, Pauline Basso and Joel Urice, caught red-handed forwarding racist emails that has pissed off the African-American, Muslim, and Latino communities. The entire state media and networks covered the story for three days, and the News-Times called on Basso to resign. YET, you totally avoided that story.
Now, we have the Galante case where our mayor took illegal contributions, which his critics accused him of doing for years, and again, you write nothing.
This mayor and his administration had probably the worse week ever and you do a post on a BOE forum?
You should change the background of this site to an elephant.
Helena kicked Marks a...
Remeber, the truth will set you free.
Mayor Mark is a great guy. He's the perfect fit for Danbury, and makes me and my family feel safe. This wonderful person will win by a landslide.
Oh yeah she really did kick his butt...especially when she got her facts all messed up...she wants to be Mayor...give me a break.
It's just the PC thing to let her run. We just need to run through the motions on this one.
What facts did Helena get wrong?
Magnet school: Not Mark's plan?
Parking garage: Not Mark's plan, took money bonded for the garage in 01 and used it to pave roads.
School overcrowding: Lack of Mark's vision while he adds thousands of condos to the area (including Kennedy and Crosby) on his watch?
She even busted the Mayor and his corporation council when they said that the report didn't exist.
Still waiting on the "non-partisan" DP to comment about two of the biggest stories in the state: Basso's emails and Galante's illegal campaign contributions to Boughton.
Anytime you get those talking points from Wayne Baker DP (or is he telling you and the other pro-Boughton blogs to keep quiet).
Give it up Hate freak.
CT Blog just is an angry mean person, there is nothing we can do to help him.
How about the school over crowding? how about asking for open space moneys and then hiding repairs to the school in it to cover his mistakes? how about the only thing this mayor has done is divide the people and give tax breaks to his friends? Great job, 'Marky Mark'.
How about offering BRT a tax break so they can reduce the rent for the less fortunate? Bouton cares about the PEOPLE. He has our vote!
You live in dream land. The tax reduction had nothing to do with people, unless you are BRT.
Remember $2600 a month.
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