Well, many can guess the outcome, but it really has become a toss-up. Democrats have made it quite obvious that they are trying to take back control of the Council after a four year absence. They have rallied behind many candidates, for at-large seats as well as ward seats. Personally, I feel the Democrats have the advantage when it comes to doing well with the ward races, while the Republicans may do better at-large.
One Democr
at who I see possibly winning at-large is Warren Levy who wants to get back on the Council, along with former member John Gogliettino. However, Republicans have many incumbents and well known candidates running, so I do feel Republicans will keep the majority when it comes to the seven at-large seats. Besides that, it may be tough.

Ward four and five have been Democratic strongholds forever, and I doubt anything will change this year. Ward six went Democrat last election, while the remaining four wards are in Republican control. The first and second wards could become a little competitive, especially the second as the Democrats have two very formidable candidates. Ward seven features Chris Halfar, who has rallied in favor of the "Danbury 11"
. Depending on whether voters view that as good or bad could be what makes or breaks her outcome.

There is no doubt that ward three is the most exciting of the seven. Democrats have put up Lynn Taborsak to try to overtake Council President Joe Cavo. Now, lucky for the Democrats, Taborsak's name is under Cavo's which makes the race even more interesting (I'll have more on ballot placing and explanation as we get closer to the election). James Kelly is also a valid candidate, and a former member, so he shouldn't be overlooked either.
I have tried to make lists after lists of what could happen with the Council,
but it is just to hard. The majority could truly be decided based on the mood of the city at the time. I believe that we'll probably see a trend in the results, determining what happens here. For example, if someone like Pudgie nails out a win, along with Jean Natale, two Republicans locked in tough races, then Republicans have a pretty good shot at keeping the majority. However, if Abrantes has a very good showing, along with the rest of the Democrat's top ticket, then they will likely take control.

We may not know what truly is going to happen until a couple of days before the election, though I'm starting to believe that nobody can make a pretty accurate prediction, and we'll just have to wait until November 6th. Hey, I could be very wrong, who knows? One thing is for sure -- this is going to be a very fun October.
Dems will probably take a small control of the council. Maybe even 11-10 or 11-10 republican
Your analysis is lacking as usual. If you look at it realisticly and not in your perceived non-partisan "I am Fair" way you would come to the conclusion that Mayor Boughton will win huge and his coattails will bring in most everybody underneath him. A few huge mistakes by the dems including immigration and a huge inability to get anyone to care about this campaign will make them big losers except for 4 and 5.
The war on illegal invasion is obvious. Danbury needs the National Guard at this point, and that is NO JOKE.
I don't see how any ward dem whos currently on the council is going to lose. The ward where the dems could make a surprise is in ward 2. If they pick up one or both seats there, the dems have a real shot at the majority.
ward 3 could fall back in favor of the dems if there is a strong turnout. say what you want to say about Lynn, people know what they get when they vote for her and she won bigtime in 2005. also, ward 3 voted for her son last year over seabury who threw everything but the kitchen sick at Lynn's son.
if mark is re-elected and the dems have the majority, watch for boughton to have a melt-down.
good post ^
Finally, some one with a brain. Good to see.
The Democrats have a real good shot. They seem to be in touch with the concerns of the city.
Sorry ken and company. The Council will be 16-5 0r 15-6 in favor of the R's. You heard it here first. You are just whistling past the graveyard.
bye bye lynn..
Warren Levy? He is a four time loser. He should know when to quit. He is part of the Samaha Slate.
Lori "Big K" Kaback
A good blog rapidly going down the drain!
don't listen to him ^
he's just bitter.
Warren Levy and John Gogliettino are past "LOSERS" who cannot be trusted. There is no way I would vote for either one of these two liars!!!!
Basso must go. Her newest actions should say enough.
I see why Basso gets nothing done for the city. Too busy sending out bad emails. Did she even read them?
Man is she dumb.
Look at what you do all day on the hat city. How do you have time to raise a child?
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