Saturday, March 15, 2008

Connecticut Presidential Polls

Rasmussen Reports has polled Connecticut voters on how they would vote this November. Personally, this is in my opinion one of the best polling sources, they were dead on in 2004. Barack Obama has a nice lead over John McCain, but Hillary Clinton and McCain are in a dead heat. Here were the results:
John McCain: 38%
Barack Obama: 50%

John McCain: 44%
Hillary Clinton: 47%

What's interesting is that McCain does so well against Hillary despite her being the Senator from New York. Obama does have a twelve point lead, but that could decrease if McCain does what he says, and competes in northeast.

This should be interesting. I've always thought that if McCain or Rudy Giuliani were the GOP nominee that our state would get competitive. I think Connecticut will get some more attention this year, something we haven't seen in a long time.

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