Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Input

Sorry about the light posting lately. I've been getting caught up with the fundraising totals for the Congressional candidates. For anyone that cares, Jim Himes, who is running against Congressman Chris Shays in the fourth congressional district, raised 352,000 in his first quarter of fundraising. It is very impressive, and the race is likely to get national attention. Still no word on Cappiello and Murphy, but we'll know the numbers soon.

It has sort of been a quiet political week, with not much going on. On Sunday, there was a letter to the editor written by someone who was upset on where some of the money raised at the annual Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament went. The writer says that of the three charities, Faith Church should not have been one to get money. I decided to post the whole letter, since it isn't that long, so here, read for yourself:

Mayor's Cup picks the wrong charity

I read the article about the Mayor's Cup charity golf tournament at Richter Park and I give an F to the persons who selected the third charity as the recipient -- the Faith Church Foundation.

While the first two charities, the Danbury Jaycees and the Danbury Education Foundation, are non-denominational charities that provide benefit to people in need in the city of Danbury, I don't believe the third one meets any of the criteria that should have been used to select a charity.

For one, the Faith Academy is not in Danbury; it is in New Milford. And the charity, as described, provides money for kids to attend schools in New Milford and Newtown -- not beneficial for the Danbury public school system.

Second, Danbury has many good charitable causes that would benefit the children and adults of Danbury. I am sure the Danbury Education Foundation and the classrooms and teachers that are beneficiaries would be happy to receive half the money from the tournament, as opposed to one third.

Lastly, I find it disappointing to see that a charity was chosen that is not non-denominational. I am sure the Faith Church is a wonderful place, but I would think that their vast membership could raise their own funds for scholarships to their own school.

I think the mayor and whomever selected the charities need to reassess their criteria. I applaud them for holding a charity golf tournament, but it is important to use some rational criteria when selecting the charities.


Anonymous said...

Faith Church did not get the money. Faith foundation did. There is a difference between the two. Last fall Faith Foundation gave over 300 back to school back packs to Danbury Public School children. The writer is clueless.

Anonymous said...

Hmm....this is getting more interesting than I thought.

Anonymous said...

Is this really the most important news you could find?

DP said...

Well...it has been a very, very quiet week politically, especially in Danbury, so I came across this and thought it was some decent input.

Dbyblogger said...

Letters to the editor are always a sticky subject to post about because 95% of the time the writer either doesn't have all the information and is inaccuate in their accusations or they are writting the letter for the wrong reasons. Finding out both sides of the issue is always the way to go before bringing attention to a letter to the editor.

DP said...

Well you have a valid point, but 95% seems a little high.

Dbyblogger said...

I'd say its pretty accurate, most people have no idea what is really going on nor do they know all the details.

Anonymous said...


95 percent? What are you doing, checking EACH letter for accuracy?

Would you give that same percentage to the slanted pro-Boughton rants on YOUR site (whenever you get around to posting anything)? I liked your site better when you were on vacation.


If you think this is a slow political week in Danbury, then you're not paying enough attention.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone take everything literally? Loosen up a little people! By the way Dbyblogger, I agree with you, those letters are all personnel opinions and shouldn't be assumed as the truth.

DP said...

Well, why don't you inform us what big stuff is going on.

Anonymous said...

Whoever assumes that letters to the editor are the truth are simply part of the problem.

There is a reason letter to the editor ARE ON THE OPINION page you know.

The other anon is correct, there are plenty of political things happening right now. Take a trip down to City Hall and see for yourself. Hell, the Cotswold project is coming up again in EIC and that's the biggest land fight between people and developers right now.

By the way: Is it me or is that D-TV channel a complete joke.

What's with all the silly trivia?

Why can't they put the city meeting schedule on the channel?

Why can't they just replay the old meetings (I think the people from Danbury Live would hand over their tapes if asked).

I don't think the people of Danbury paid to see the floor when people speak.