Thursday, May 10, 2007

Some New Polls

Today, Quinnipiac University released polls regarding the Presidential Election, and how people in Connecticut may vote. Here are most of the polls:

Democratic Primary

Clinton -- 28%
Obama -- 20%
Gore -- 13%
Edwards -- 8%
Dodd -- 6%
Republican Primary

Giuliani -- 36%
McCain -- 15%
Romney -- 9%
Thompson, F. -- 7%
Gingrich -- 5%
Hillary Clinton vs. Rudy Giuliani

Clinton -- 42%
Giuliani -- 48%
Barack Obama vs. Rudy Giuliani

Obama -- 42%
Giuliani -- 44%
Hillary Clinton vs. John McCain

Clinton -- 47%
McCain -- 40%
Barack Obama vs. John McCain

Obama -- 46%
McCain -- 38%
Now, jump to your own conclusions, but McCain is slipping in Connecticut, while Giuliani is doing well. Clinton does not have as big of a lead, but may manage to get by. We still have a long time to go, and the unpredictable likes to happen sometimes.

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