Saturday, May 26, 2007

Murphy Votes NO

Our Congressman, Chris Murphy (D-5), voted against the troop funding bill. His main reason was because there was no timetable or benchmarks in the bill. However it did pass the House with a final vote of 280-142, and passed the Senate with a vote of 80-14. The President has signed the bill.

The following is how the Presidential Candidates voted on the bill:

Rep. Denise Kucinich -- NO
Sen. Joe Biden -- YES
Sen. Chris Dodd -- NO
Sen. Barack Obama -- NO
Sen. Hillary Clinton -- NO

Rep. Duncan Hunter --YES
Rep. Tom Tancredo -- YES

Rep. Ron Paul -- NO
Sen. Sam Bownback -- DID NOT VOTE
Sen. John McCain -- YES

Just for the record Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) voted yes. This issue isn't over, but at least our troops now have the funding they need.

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