With John McCain locking up the Republican nomination, many are speculating to what type of a

strategy his campaign will put together in order to win this November.
Most people are talking about possible VP picks, and boy can that be tough. There are so many options McCain could go with.
However, McCain's campaign has been discussing how they will compete in every part of the country and have a 50 state strategy. McCain himself has said that he wants to compete in California, the largest Democratic state in the country. With this news, you could guess that McCain will also campaign in Connecticut.
Our state has not gone to the GOP since George Bush won it in 1988. More recently, Gore won big over Bush in 2000, and Kerry beat Bush by about ten points in 2004. McCain, who is viewed as a maverick, attracts well to independents. He is the type of Republican that could win our state.
Personally, I feel McCain can make New Jersey very competitive and also Pennsylvania. New Hampshire could also go for him if he works hard. Winning just one of these states, and holding almost every state Bush held in 2004, McCain could be in good shape. However, Democrats have been excellent at getting the vote out, and not all the states Bush won in 2004 are safe.
So, could Connecticut go red this year. If the election was today, it wouldn't, but November is a very long time away.