First of all, I was at the Irish Festival late in the afternoon and it was fairly quiet. There were a decent amount of people, but not like I've seen before. It was also not filled with many people
running for office. The only candidates I saw were Jim Kelly, who is a Democrat running for the Council in the third ward, and Phil Curran who is a Republican running for the Council at Large. However, there were many sponsored signs from elected officials there that greeted people when they arrived. There were signs from State Sen. David Cappiello, State Rep. Jan Giegler, Councilman Tom Saadi, Ben Chianese, Paul Rotello, Mary Saracino, Phil Curran, Mayoral candidate Helena Abrantes, City Treasurer Dan Jowdy, City Treasurer candidate Brian Cotter, City Clerk Jean Natale, Town Clerk Lori Kaback, and Town Clerk candidate Pudgie Delohery. I believe that was all of them. Then, in the early evening I headed downtown.
The Taste of Danbury was a totally different story. As soon as I got there you could tell from all the balloons that this was the place where all of the campaigning was taking place. There were many balloons for Mayor Boughton, very few for Helena Abrantes, many for Treasurer Dan Jowdy and Town Clerk Lori Kaback. Also noticeable were people with stickers for Boughton, Jowdy, Natale, Coladarci, and many for Kaback and Delohery. It has beco
me very obvious that the race for Town Clerk is the one with the most excitement and will be very hard fought until the end. Many people had shirts for Delohery, and they would travel in packs which gave her a very good showing, something she needed to boost her campaign. However, the presence of Kaback supporters were known as well. There were also a few people with shirts and stickers for Dan Jowdy, City Clerk candidate Eileen Coladarci, and I happened to only catch two people with Abrantes shirts. Also, I saw all the candidates running on the top of the ticket except Abrantes, Natale, and Cotter, who actually had no presence at all.

There were many other candidates there running for the Council. The Republicans there were first ward Council members Louise McMahon and Shay Nagarsheth, and seventh ward Council member Mary Teicholz. The Democrats were candidates Warren Levy and Manny Furtado. Teicholz had stickers, as well as Levy and Nagarsheth. However, they were clearly lost in the crowd. Also, Republicans had a pamphlet of all there candidates on a table near the entrance.
On another note, the Taste of Danbury clearly had a great showing, and was absolutely packed, mainly because of singer Eddie Money who was performing. It was a night enjoyed by all.
How about that resounding reception for mayor Mark! You could hear a pin drop. People must have had stuff in their hands.
Dude, you couldn't be more off on your report.
First off, Eileen had the most visibility at the Taste next to Lori who had balloons all over the place.
Second, Pudgie had DAYO girls walking around with stickers and there were only a couple of people with her shirts on. There were a handful of people with Pudgie stickers on and most were mothers, which explains things since Pudgie is the head of DAYO.
Third, Abrantes and Cotter had TONS of visibility during the day and early afternoon. I personally talked to both of them and also saw them at the flag raising at City Hall.
Fourth, WHO CARES about the visibility at the Irish Festival? most of the people who attend that aren't even from Danbury.
Fifth, you left out the biggest part of the Taste of Danbury (which the anonymous person got correct) when Mark Boughton was introduced by the I-95 guy, NO ONE CLAPPED FOR HIM. I laughed my ass off when Boughton's wife tried to get the crowd fired up and a scatter of boos could be heard in the crowd.
If you're silly enough to predict an election on which a bunch handlers have the most visibility, while ignoring the fact that Mark Boughton's introduction was a complete BUST, then you're as silly as this god-awful Republican leaning site.
First off I want to repeat that you should not just go by what I saw because I was not there the whole day and didn't see everyone. I just reported on what I saw.
Secondly, yes Coladarci had good visability but not the best. That award should be given to either kaback or Pudgie. Also it was more than just a handful of people who had Pudgie shirts on, at least when I was there.
Third, hopefully for Abrantes and Cotter's sake that you are right and that they were very visable during the afternoon because that was not the case at night. Despite what you said about Boughton's introduction, Abrantes is going to have to get her name out there more if she wants to have a chance.
Lastly, I am not predicting anything based on what I saw last night. You can't predict based on just one event. However, you can analyze it.
so there!!!!
Glad to see the candidates shaking hands. Those that were "MIA" are the ones always "MIA"
Glad to speak with a handful that approached my family and I on Saturday evening. They included Treasurer Dan Jowdy, Town Clerk Lori Kaback, Running for Town Clerk Pudgie Delohery and that was all!
Where were the rest? Oh yea I saw Boughton standing in one spot most of the day Saturday. And his presentation on stage was HORRIBLE. Kids go crazy for balloons but their parents (voters) aren't crazy for him.
This report is wrong for several reasons.
For one, there was a flag raising ceremony at City Hall that lasted from 4 to about 5:30. Afterwards, Boughton and the Republicans do what they always do at the event, show up together and shake hands for about 2 hours. By 7:00, the only person around was Boughton and his introduction on stage was HORRIBLE.
I saw Abrantes, Cotter, Eileen, and Kaback. There were people walking around with Abrantes stickers and shirts and I saw FEW people with Boughton shirts, just balloons.
Pudgie had kids walking around with shirts on (for the most part) and they were gone by the 7:00 (I know because I thought it was odd that mostly kids were walking around with her shirts on).
Kaback and Boughton balloons won the show Saturday and in terms of visibility SATURDAY EVENING but overall Kaback and Eileen won the show. Kaback with balloons (which were all over the place all weekend) and Eileen won because ADULTS actually walked around with her shirts. Also most of the Republicans ignored the flag raising, which didn't go unnoticed by the people who attended (about 150).
If you know anything about the Taste of Danbury, you'll know that Sunday is actually the big day and the Democrats were all over the place Sunday and I didn't see one Republican. They had a huge visibility at Tuxedo Junction with the entire staff wearing her shirt.
For the life of me, I couldn't understand why no Republicans were there Sunday because it seemed to be more people walking around Sunday than Saturday.
I think the problem I have with this post is that it comes off so decisive and absolute yet I was there on Saturday and Sunday and saw a completely different picture (how can you leave Mark's introduction out of your report?)
HAHA! You took a picture a non- response crowd and put it on your website. I see you are talking to yourself over there again... your reader comments on the Hat city have, not only the same points and words, but the same sentence structures and gramatical errors.
You might want to get someone else to type those for ya, Connecticut Blog man.
That's great that there were no cheers for Boughton! Is this an early sign that Helena will win by a landslide??? I think so!!
The crowd's reception to Mark was probably the funniest part of the festival. I'm not sure that it will turn into votes for Helena but the silence made for an interesting night.
Well, he promised to take care of the immigration issue - but he ignored it and it's currently the worst ever in Danbury. He got what he deserved, although most are making a big deal out of nothing.
Wasn't the food good?!
I want to make clear that my post is not wrong based on what I saw when I saw it. Thanks to those who commented on what they saw, that was part of the reason why I wrote this post.
On another note I just want to comment on what someone said, which was that most of the candidates were gone by 7 PM. You may not have seen them but many remained past that time.
Thanks for the clarification. Too bad you have to continue to defend yourself, as he comes over here from time to time and speads those nasty "hat city lies".
Were people supposed to clap? Last year I don't remember him getting an introduction... Anyways he runs a great city, does a heck of a job, and is a stand up guy.
You guys against the hat city blogger guy's recall of what he said on his site are so full of crap that it's a complete joke.
For your information, I was at the Taste and no one clapped for Mark while they went nuts for the I-95 guy and a 80's has-been in Eddie.
Everyone, and I mean everyone talked about the reception Mark received because it was so funny.
There was plenty of visibility from Kaback and Boughton in terms of balloons but to Eileen's people stole the show with their shirts (and they were around on Saturday and Sunday unlike the Republicans).
Besides Dan Jowdy, there were no Republicans on Sunday although the place was just as packed as on Saturday. Helena's people seemed to take over Tuxedo Junction.
Also, the only Republican I saw during Eddie's show was Mark. I did notice Dwayne Perkins (sp) near the stage and I think he's a Democrat on the Council.
Unless I was a at large candidate or on the top of the ticket, why would you waste your time at festivals? Shouldn't you be banging on doors in your ward?
Dan Jowdy was there during the concert as well.
So were Shay Nagarsheth, Louise McMahon and Mary Teicholz.
The Republicans don't need to campaign in Danbury, besides they have more respect than that. Why ruin a wonderful event for political gain?! Typical Dem's...
Looks like Big T is back in the news. This guy has been pretty popular again in the area ever since they moved his show. Go figure!
I bet if Abrantes were up there people would STILL be cheering!!!
Abrantes is an illegal alien panderer.
She will never win.
Sad that the Dems cant find an electable candidate.
Could you imagine if Abrantes was actually a MAYOR???! My God, I would head north for safety.
No candidates to oppose Mr. Boughton?! Wow, just insane.
Did you hear the silence Mark got at the Taste? Hello?! Nobody there wanted to vote for him again. Helena will definetely win.
"MARK" my words!
Go back to your hate city. I heard there were local kids smashing mailboxes. They deserve a mug shot with a "face of hate" heading.
Do you have a job?
I notice you don't post mug shots of the many people who travel around the city drunk without licenses. That's ok, because you shouldn't.
Just another example of how you are biased.
If you are who I think you are, last anon, I think you're a jerk. However, you actually have a point.
Well I have a point don't I? This jerk thinks he's above everyone and panders to the REAL ignorant people and plays online with his video clippings. I don't know if I know you, but whatever. That's not the point.
Yes I said JERK. That's what you called me
We're on the same page here, "dumb anon", fighting the same battle ever since spring 2007 when he started to really harass, defamate, and drag us through the mud (DO YOU REALIZE WHO THIS IS???!!!)
I hope the cops take his video camera away, that bloghead is more evil than the bit T he hates!
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