The Republicans got a former Democrat and Kaback supporter to run for Town Clerk. Not to mention that she is a very well known lady in our city, being President of D.A.Y.O. Pudgie D
elohery is exactly the type of person the Republicans needed to run for the spot, and they should be very happy to have her on their team. She is simply known as "Pudgie!", and yes the explanation mark is included.

I have given the Republicans a lot of praise for their candidate choice mainly because of her popularity and the fact that she knows a wide range of people. Despite this, it wasn't until about two weeks ago until I actually saw my whole analysis truly carried out. It was at the Taste of Danbury, where for the first time I saw the public, not the politicians, showing me that this race is going to be the most interesting.
The amount of advertising that was around that Saturday night was amazing. So many people had either stickers or shirts for Pudgie, or they had Kaback stickers or balloons. Now, yes the other races had a big imp
act of what was seen throughout the event, but this race just stood out from the rest. Almost every single cheerleader had a sticker for Pudgie on, and so many teenagers had shirts on for her, which gave Pudgie a very good showing. Yes, I know, kids can't vote, but their parents can and people like to see a candidate that has good student-educational appeal (though it has really no relevance to what the Town Clerk does). Now, don't get me wrong, Kaback had a very good showing as well, and that's why this race is so intense because both candidates are very closely matched.

Back when the Republicans announced their slate, I believed that they would go out in full force to gain the Town Clerk's seat. However, that was not the case for the many weeks that followed. It appeared to me that maybe this wouldn't be a very good race, and that Kaback would easily win. This was mainly because Kaback had a very strong showing throughout the summer, and Pudgie was really nowhere in sight. She has come back though, and is making an impact. Ever since earlier this month, she has showed that she is in this to win.
The only question I ask is should Pudgie of started earlier? Also, will Kaback be able to bring the magic she brought two years ago? We will soon find out. This is going to be a very good one to watch!
UPDATE (9/29/07): Pudgie has put up a website and Kaback also has one up. The links are on the side.
Lori displayed her xenophobia this month, unfortunately. Linking up with Big T doesn't sit well with our beautiful, and diverse community.
Pudgie will win by a landslide, and she's a wonderful lady.
*Go get 'em girl!*
I hope this is a good race.
At the same time, this position requires someone dedicated to the job, with the required knowledge and skills, who will devote herself to the full-time schedule and additional demands of the job.
I have concerns about the challenger's other, unrelated, commitments and wonder if she plans to continue with these "after school" activities if elected.
I don't believe that the position is accommodating to a part time schedule.
Nor a schedule laced with Big T bigotry, eghhh..
Has Lori apologized yet?
Do we want a town clerk who has already demonstrated that she can do the job very well? Or do we want someone who switches parties to run for an office because she needs health insurance coverage.
True, the DRTC is spending a lot of money on this most recent of their turn-coat candidates, money that comes largely from big developers who are building things like Rivington and the new Police Station. But is that a measure of anything that will actually be useful to the residents of Danbury?
Vote for Lori Kaback if you want a Town Clerk who knows what she's doing. Vote for Delohery if you want someone whose best claim is that she can get cheerleaders to wear her t-shirts.
" we want someone who switches parties to run for an office because she needs health insurance coverage."
What does party choice have to do with anything? Why be so close minded - look at the individual, not the party.
Pudgie is a wonderful woman who is meticulous and has multiple talents.
Vote for Lori? Are you insane?? You must post on the NewsTimesLive. Lori is a racist under Big T's wing. Her political moves are disgusting, at best.
The desperate attempt to link BigT to Lori is a joke since Bennett has been on the ticket in past elections next to Republicans.
Out of the 20,000+ registered voters, the only ones who are attempting to spin this are people who have no knowledge of local politics.
This brings me to this post.
I'm trying to understand the logic in this analysis. Besides the Taste of Danbury, where have you seen or heard anything about Delohery?
I find it strange that you would make your analysis of this race based solely on visibility at the Taste during the window of time when you were present.
A bunch of girls walking around with Delohery shirts and she's now a threat to Kaback? No where in your analysis did you talk about the Delohery's greatest weakness that an earlier person mentioned: will Delohery's devotion to other activities (D.A.Y.O) harm her ability to do a demanding job such as Town Clerk, which is a full-time position.
On a side note, Dan Jowdy is totally going to win by a landslide. I see his opponent likes to toss around signs all over the town. That j*rk is arrogant and will spit in the face of the great people of Danbury whenever he feels like it.
I don't know of any successful company that would hire a department head "because of her popularity and the fact that she knows a wide range of people..." or because "she's a wonderful lady"
This is not a vote for the homecoming queen.
I would like to be one of the informed voters. Does anyone know what her qualifications are?
I don't think supporting Big T/ Lori is in the best interest of this city, especially considering the cultural diversity. Anyone disagree?
I think the concentration should be on the safety of our public signs. Alegedly John Casamento, a highly respected public figure, and the Hat City Blog phenom, have plans to go out and alter the intentional meaning of each sign’s initial purpose! Check it out on the racist Hat City Blog. There is even a mug shot of one of them who got caught so far
It seems you people just don't get it. Instead of focusing on the campaign details and garbage, why don't you actually for once focus on the PEOPLE of Danbury? It's sad, but I'm sure you folks are young and filled with energy. Just fuel that energy to what's best for us as human beings, please. I know I would do the same if I could.
You're a wuss. It doesn't matter if Jowdy get's fined for signs cause he's got contrib. $$ t cover that. Have you gone to Ridgefield w/ Your camera? They're even therre, GO FIGURE!
Looks like you gotta lot of work in front of ya, BRO. You're really making yourself look like a fool.
Hey, On a side note, I wanted to take my 7th grade Georgetown science class through Danbury to show them the Lib / Roger's Park / Tarrywile.. etc. do I need a permit?
While Al is picking up all the "illegal" signs, he is also ignoring the "illegal" residents, who help his favorite hobby: democrats.
Dude, get off the bong and get a brain! Get out of the two-party template and think FOR YOUSELF! I love you man, It's been some time but just head over to TK's tonight so we can finally discuss YOU GETTING YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND! LOL! c'mon dude, let's have another ol' chat ;o)
I'll be there too. Hat City Blogger, meet us all up at TK's for the cheap wings, it will be fun. I agree with some of your Boughton stuff, but it's only 11 deportees, there are more fish to fry - we'll catch up. Later bro.
I like Pudgie very much, if I needed any help with a community issue or I wanted my kid to play for the Trojans I would go to her. She is a very kind lady who has been nothing but good to the community. However, Lori Kaback is the best choice for the job. She has years of experience either as town clerk or working in the town clerk's office. It is obvious that someone drafted Pudgie into this position hoping that her name would bring more people to vote for the republicans. Don't elect someone who doesn't know what they are doing, that's why Scozzafava was voted out anyways. Don't forget that Lori swamped him two years ago and she was the challenger. She runs as a democrat but runs her own show as far as campaigning goes and she does a damn good job. Once again Pudgie is a great lady and I know and like her very much but when it comes down to it Lori is the logical choice for town clerk.
Time for change.
Notice Pudgie IS THE ONLY ONE who has yet to be slandered on the Hate City Blog?! Even those terrible people can't find a way to bash her. I could go on and on about how she is perfect for this position, but I'll let her campaigning do that...
Pudgie rockz!!!!
This is easy. So which one of the nuts on the newstimes comment section is lori? Lemme guess, "voiceofreason" or "illegal and lovin it!".
Yes folks, these are actual extremists who spend their day spreading hate on local forums. They need to be exposed for their ignorance and attempted destruction.
1. What does kids wearing Pudgie! shirts at the Taste of Danbury have anything to do with this race?
2. What's with all the hat city blog comments? I'm really tired of this nut flooding all the blogs slamming the guy. You're the same jerk I ripped into yesterday on Danbury Dan.
I think I'll go to TKs tonight just to see if you have the guts to confront him. Hopefully, he'll kick your ass.
Kids wearing shirts at an event shows that their parents will vote for that person and that they have the support of their family.
It's a shame some of you use these blogs to bash each other instead of discussing the topics. DP, you should blow these comments away. They take space and attention away from the people who actually focus on the races and topics,, and don't get caught up in the childish rants of these few bad apples.
Maybe if kaback could fix the surly attitudes and the rude people in her office people would respect her administrative capabilities that starts with Lori herself. By the way, Tweezer was no administrative wiz... Go Pudgie.
Go to No repulicrat comments there, and everything makes sense, not like you xenophobes.
Man, get a grip. Partisanship just keeps you as stupid as you really are... Al boy you realize this yet?
Is Melillo really calling someone a wuss?
3 questions for Mark. Also, why are Republicans so xenophobic? You will pay for your "illegal" Jowdy signs. remember, ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL, YOU ANTI IMMIGRANTS.
I found two Jowdy, signs, and three "my messy family dot com" signs in my son's section of the back garage. I'm not even going to punish him, and my wife and I got a huge laugh out of it.
I love Irony.
Hey Pudgie, can you help me tie the ribbons in my hair?
Hey Lori,
Can you help me get a fisherman's license?
How can you possibly trust someone like Pudgie? Does no one remember that as head of DAYO, two of her coaches were arrested? Why did she NEVER publicly comment on the whole situation? She not only knew the 2 coaches were giving diuretics to the players, but I wouldn't be surprised if she directed them to. The trojans are infamous for bending the rules and it all starts with Pudgie!
So can anyone tell me why are people so rude? Pudgie has a job that has health benefits so why would you make it up that she doesn't because the trojans dont supply you with them? What does that have anything to do with anything? You people have no clue what are you talking about and need to grow up. And you also have no clue what even went on with the two football coaches. Was she one of them? No. Was she a part of it? No. Did she know anything about it, like you claim she did? No. She was the president, not the guilty party. So stop acting like little kids and spreading rumors. Thanks.
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