The following are some main points from the article.

"I just find it outrageous that someone running for office would be out there supporting people breaking our laws."
Councilman Mike Coladrino said the following on the immigration issue:

"When I first ran in 2003, illegal immigration was a big campaign issue. It was big in 2005, and from what I'm hearing when I go door to door, it's still a big issue in 2007."
Danbury Democratic Chairman Joe DaSilva had the following to say on Taborsak and the issue of illegal immigration:
"People can agree that laws need to be enforced, and they can disagree on how this case was handled. Lynn Taborsak has a long career in Danbury of helping people."
Let's just say that this issue is likely to come up again throughout the next few weeks. Could this really make or break a certain candidate? Could Lynn Taborsak really be in trouble? Will people really care? What's going to happen? Look for a post speculating this in the next couple of days.
Instead of wasting time with these 11 folks, why don't we continue to get the rest out there?
This is by far the biggest problem / issue Danbury faces and it only is getting worse. They are continuing the invasion with each passing day.
There was a "Chris Halfar" poster on the NewstimesLive board, so I always assumed her to be a xenophobe. That being said, this is probably just a political stunt on her part.
Try living in Brewster. We had to move, we were raising young children and my wife could not walk downtown without getting harassed by drunks on bikes.
Deport Lynn and Heffer!
What people aren't getting is that THEY ARE NOT SUPPORTING THE LAW. Taborsak and Halfar shouldn't even be running because of what they did. They are not supporting the laws of this country. I'm not crazy about Cavo or Coladrino but they have to be better then Taborsak..they support THE LAW! Also Halfar sholdn't go unchecked either. She's just as bad.
They hate whites, and love the latinoes. Yeah right. I'd do it for political gain if I knew my town was overburdened with them - think about it...
Great photo,I did not know Cavo had a face, I just thought he was part of the mayor.
Funny that Cavo had to state the obvious. Doesn't make him a genious or anything. It's good that Taborsak does this now so we can keep her out of office... before she pulls a Rowland.
The Yale Lawyers must really have a lot of time on their hands. Couldn't they find a more constructive class project... one that was beneficial to the community?
If they want to fight injustice, they should be protesting the Jena Six case. Now THAT is wrong. No, but they don't want to travel for hours on the hot smelly busses. This is more convenient for them, but obviously pointless.
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