Last night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, political talk show host

Chris Matthews was on. I don't know about you, but I think Matthews is one of the best political hosts on television. On the show he was asked who he thought were the ones who would get the nomination for President. He said Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani would be the two candidates, setting up for a very competitive but exciting campaign.
Now, I happen to agree with him, and I also think that these two candidates are probably their party's best choices, especially Giuliani. They both lead the national polls right now, and have for a long time. What do you think, is Matthews right, or are others the likely nominees?
i cant see rudy winning the nomination although he would have the best shot against the dems. mccain and romney would be better for the party but i cant see them beating ANY dem. it is a tough time for republicans and rudy is the only one with a realistic shot at winning
I think Rudy has abetter shot at the nomination then people think. Republicans are starting to realize that he may be their only hope.
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