I'm a little late on reporting this, but I thought it was something I should post on. The
Cook Political Report came out with a chart of what they believe to be the most competitive U.S. House races for 2008. From what they say, it looks like Connecticut is going to play a big role in the next election, just like it did in 2006.
There are five categories that they use and they are, Likely Democratic or Republican, Leans Democratic or Republican, and toss-up. Congressman Chris Shays' (R-4) race is listed as Leans Republican. Congressman Joe Courtney's (D-2) race is listed as Likely Democratic. This makes much sense as Shays' challenger, Jim Himes, has been running a very impressive campaign, and Courtney's challenger, Sean Sullivan, is not that impressive.

Now onto the race that we care about the most, the fifth district. Incumbent Democratic Congressman Chris Murphy is running against Republican State Senator David Cappiello. Right now the contest ranks as
Likely Democratic. This doesn't come as much of a surprise as Murphy has had very

impressive fundraising numbers, and establishing a true base, which has the state Democrats determined to keep the seat. Cappiello's numbers were pretty impressive as well, but nothing compared to Murphy. He does have hope from the state and national Republicans, as they will focus on keeping Shays' seat, and trying to take back the fifth district. Don't look for much action in the second district.
The fact that the fifth district race is listed, is yet just another sign that it should be a good one. We are more than a year away from the election, and it is already shaping up to be another goodie.
We get excited here because there will be someone from Danbury in the race but the truth is that Murphy will have a easy time keeping his seat. With Shays in trouble, the state republicans who already are short on funds will want to do all they can to make sure this ranking member stays instead of giving up his seat and trying for a freshman in the 5th. The dems of 06 had the benefit of knowing that both of their incumbents would win thus they could put everything into Courtney, Farrell, and Murphy. The republicans don't have this and will spend everything trying to keep Shays seat. The biggest thing that could help Cappiello is local efforts but even in Danbury I think he would have a hard time winning and he would have no chance in Waterbury, New Britain, and Meriden. He is a good candidate but like I lot of people I believe that just isn't the time not even counting the fact that incumbents will fare well since it is a presidential election and not mid-term.
Cappiello will win Danbury.
Hey everyone read this:
Thought it was interesting to hear what Cappiello had to say about his chances.
cappiello is toast...
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