The ad says that in 2006 Murphy campaigned against special interest money in Washington. It then goes on to say that since he was sworn into office, Murphy has changed his view and has taken money from the same people that he campaigned against. The ad also mentions that Murphy has taken more than $190,000 from special interest committees and lobbyists, and that the total amount of money raised by Murphy from special interests and lobbyists is over $450,000.
The fact that the National Republicans have put up an ad against Murphy already, shows that they have targeted the seat, and will put time and money into it. This is good news for David Cappiello's campaign, but is it to early to start attacking Murphy? I don't know, but Cappiello has not been all that negative, and is just focusing on getting his name out. Only time will tell what's going to happen.
I am starting to think that you are targeting Murphy.
Cappiello has my vote. Murphy is to questionable to me.
Murphy has done more in a short time than Cappiello has done in years. My vote is for Murphy.
Murphy is in Congress. Cappiello isn't. How can you compare the two? We deserve trust and Murphy hasn't given that to us.
Murphy has been in Danbury more than Nancy Johnson ever was and has done more than Johnson. As for Cappiello, I would not know him if I saw him and what things has he done? My life is not better and the conditions in CT are worse, not better.
You must really be out there. You wouldn't know Cappiello if you saw him? Do you live in Danbury?
For over 40 years! I do not see him doing much. This last session in Hartford was sad! Small biss starving, the middle class going under, health care etc. We just have a party line pissing match.
So what has he done?
Well you could read his bio which lists many things he has done: http://www.senaterepublicans.ct.gov/senainfo/Cappiello.htm
You don't understand that the Dems run Hartford and what goes on. They get what they want. Cappiello fought to generate more jobs here in CT and lower taxes. The blame doesn't get put with Cappiello, it goes to the Democratic majority. What may be so remarkable about Cappiello is that he goes against his Republican leadership often and isn't afraid to stand up to them. That is what true leaders are supposed to be like.
Murphy is a joke and he panders to the Danbury area for his own personal reasons. He's a lying crook, mark my words.
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