Sunday, April 29, 2007

Danbury & Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney has been said to be the conservative candidate in the race for President. He is the former one-term Governor of Massachusetts, and also ran against Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1994. Romney is also a very controversial candidate because he has flip-flopped on many social issues, becoming much more conservative since he decided to run for the White House. Romney has ranked third in most national Republican primary polls. However, since the news that former Sen. Fred Thompson may enter the race, he has dropped to fourth in many polls. Here is the most recent one from Polling Report:

Rudy Giuliani -- 33%
John McCain -- 22 %
Fred Thompson -- 17%
Mitt Romney -- 12 %

Now, I honestly don't see Danbury Republicans going for Romney. He is far too conservative, and not moderate enough. He is also not as well known, and he may have been Governor of one of the most liberal states in the country, but Danbury Republicans will most likely go for Giuliani because he is most like them. I also don't see Connecticut going for him either, and neither does the most recent Quinnipiac Poll, as these are the following results:

Giuliani -- 43%
McCain -- 27%
Romney -- 4%
Gingrich -- 5%
Even though it seems to be that Connecticut will most likely be going for Giuliani or possibly McCain, Romney could do well in conservative states, and get the nomination. If he were to, he will probably have a difficult time at winning our state. The following poll is how he has most recently rated in our state against Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton:

Clinton -- 55%
Romney -- 27%

So, Romney will most likely not be a fan of our state, but that doesn't mean he can't become the next President. He is still a top-tier candidate. What could make or break it for Romney is whether his flip-flopping on social issues comes back to backfire. Now, he has the most money out of all the Republican candidates, and he could use that to his advantage. Also, it is said that not necessarily the President supports him (for now), but many people from the Bush family (especially Jeb -- though he hasn't officially said), are very favorable of Romney. At this point not enough people know him. He will definitely have his work cut out in the next many months.

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