First, John McCain has centered his whole campaign on a strong showing in New Hampshire. A few months ago he looked dead, and this is his only chance to fully make a comeback and continue forward. Some say a Mc
Cain victory would suddenly make him the GOP front-runner, but a lose would probably end his chances.

Mitt Romney needs to probably win New Hampshire to stay alive. His strategy would of failed if he lost because his plan was to do very well in Iowa and New Hampshire. A McCain win could put a huge dent in Romney, and probably (I could be very wrong though) make him getting the nomination not that likely.
One of them will win, with the other coming in second. The third place winner is probably a toss-up between Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani. Ron Paul could also pull a shocker. Most polls have Huckabee in third, but Giuliani is actually campaigning in this state. This could end up being very interesting.
Barack Obama has a double digit lead in many polls over Hilla
ry Clinton. It is shocking what has happened to her in the past week. Now, she definitely has the resources and ability to come back even with a lose tomorrow. I do find it harder though, but the question we need to ask is if Obama love is going to last. If it does, she's in trouble.
John Edwards will probably come in third. He doesn't have as much money, and the organization he had in Iowa. It is hard to see how he could end up being the nominee, but I guess it could happen.
Well, New Hampshire voters have a big and tough decision to make tomorrow. It's time for predictions. What do you think is going to happen? (I'll say McCain and Obama pull it out.)
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