David Cappiello: 33 (67%)
Tony Nania: 16 (33%)
Democrats were asked which candidate they would support for Governor in 2010. The participation in this poll was bad, but here are the results anyway:
Richard Blumenthal: 2 (50%)
Susan Bysiewicz: 0 (0%)
Dan Malloy: 2 (50%)
Jim Amann: 0 (0%)
We are going to take a break from polls for a little bit. As you probably all know, tomorrow is the Iowa Caucus. This means that the wait is over, and the race for President is here! I'm going to try my best to put a lot of attention on this during the many weeks a head.
thats because no dems read your blog anymore. you should join thedanburydan with your praise of boughton, the "fighting" 44, and mclaughin. the only thing you got right is the troops
Looks like sour grapes for seateen ogor.
Oh give them a break. Boughton was clearly the most impressive Danbury official of the past year, and CT offers very bad choices. McLaughlin announced he may be running--they just reported the news nothing else
boughtons victory was impressive and this is coming from someone who does not like him at all. but the fighting 44? come on
The Connecticut Iglor is not happy.
I'm a Dem - equalinall. Boughton must go.
Who could of got it..Dodd, Lieberman? The 44 makes sense if you look at what they did.
Boughton must go? No, nogger must go!
what did they do? debate?
He did it again. Hat City hater thinks the bigotry comments from the snooze times are amusing and he displayed them on his little website.
I hope they build a Dunkin Donuts next to his house. He'll have a temper tantrum Elmer's style... but at least there will be a job opportunity close to home to keep him from hurting people with a keyboard.
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