Gee, what a wild tenty-four hours! Yesterday Florida voters went to the polls and voted in their party's primary. On the Republican side, John McCain won an impressive victory over Mitt Romney. This now gives him a lead in delegates, and gives him the front-runner status. Here are the GOP results:
- McCain: 36%
- Romney: 31%
- Giuliani: 15%
- Huckabee: 14%
- Paul: 3%
After a bad showing, coming in third, Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race today. Once the national front-runner, he skipped the early primaries to focus directly on Florida, however it did not work out for him. Giuliani publically endorsed McCain today, saying he will help him in whatever way he wants. What I found interesting was when McCain said Giuliani will join him in the campaign as his right hand man. Do we see a possible GOP ticket brewing?
On the Democratic side, no delegates were at stake because they got punished. However Hillary Clinton did win. Here are their results:
- Clinton: 50%
- Obama: 33%
- Edwards: 14%
Today, John Edwards also withdrew from the race saying it was time for him to leave. He has not endorsed a candidate. This now sets up a tough battle between Clinton and Obama. It should get very fun! Super Tuesday is almost here!