According to the Danbury Democratic Town Committee's minutes from last month's meeting,

they may have a candidate to run for the Common Council in the second ward. Ken Gucker, who has become an active Danbury Democrat for the past two years, has said that he would like to run for one of the seats. You can read it
Currently, the second ward in represented by Republicans James Johnson and Charles Trombetta. Both had a pretty easy ride to victory in 2005.
Ken Guckers is a squirrel. He thinks he is Ned Lamont. He also likes to claim he is non-partisan but everyone knows he goes to every Democratic Town Committee Meeting. He will get creamed against Trombetta and Johnson.
Doubt it.
no doubt.
If you're going to criticize the guy, at least get his name correct.
-good grief.
I like the guy; He has always been there to help me and my neighbors.
I think ANYBODY is better than Paul McAllister. I will be voting for Johnson and Trombetta!!!
Ken Gucker has shown that he is willing to give his time and energies to help his neighbors. If he does that when he is not in office, i think it is reasonable to expect him to carry out the duties of City councilman equally well. As for his attending the Democratic Town Committee Meetings, I like the fact that he is involved. He ALSO attends the Common council meetings regularly, even though he has not been elected as of today. Does that make him a Republican mouth piece?
Trombetta has never called a single person back who was looking for him to do his job, when the fight to stop overdevelopment of the Cotswold property was going on. How do I know that? I tried to reach him myself. Ken Gucker gave of his time, energy and $$$ to fight for his neighborhood. Research it yourself...then vote for someone who is going to do the job.
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