To begin with, if you recall I reported that Democrat Ken Gucker announced last month that he was interested in running for a second ward Council seat. The following is taken directly from their minutes in May:
Ken also announced that he would run for a common council seat in the second ward.
However, at their meeting in mid-June, the minutes say that Gucker announced his intention to run for a third ward Council seat. Here is what it said:
Ken Gucker announced his intention of running for a Third Ward Council seat. He presented his letter of intent to the Third Ward members of the Town Committee.
The fact is unknown whether or not it is the second or third ward, but whatever the case, Ken Gucker is running for the Common Council.
Another note regarding the Council is that Manny Furtado, seventh ward DDTC member Chris Halfer, and former Council President from the first ward, Warren Levy, all announced that they are interested in running for Council-At-Large seats.
It also appears that the Democrats are having problems finding candidates to run for local offices. In fact, they mention that they are still looking for someone to run for City Treasurer against four year incumbent Dan Jowdy.
Well, it is sure starting to feel that we are approaching the election season. The candidates should all be known within the next month. Stay tuned!
Ken Gucker should first figure out where he lives-what a dope.
Did one ever consider that perhaps the person taking notes made a mistake? Why is it that people are so ready to attack? Maybe the person leaving comments needs to stop reading second hand info and find out the truth. Boy would that be refreshing!
That is a pretty big mistake.
Good grief. For the love of GOD, stop reading the minutes from the site and ACTUALLY go tot the meetings. You're post is incorrect and you should correct it as you're smearing him for something HE didn't say.
I didn't say that he said it. I understand that it could have been a mistake. However, when you post minutes on a website you should make sure that they are correct. I do give the Democrats credit for doing this because it is more than what the Republicans have on their website.
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