The writer started by saying:
After 30-plus years risking his life for Danburians, Phil Curran decided to begin a new much deserved stage of life -- retirement. Chief Curran could have decided to relax and take it easy but rather chose to continue serving our great city in another capacity.
They then went on to explain what happened:
With family and friends present on June 5, Chief Curran anticipated taking the oath of office and becoming our newest councilman. However, this great event did not take place as Ben Chianese, Democrat of the 6th Ward, blocked this by referring the appointment to an ad hoc committee.
They concluded by taking a direct shot at Chianese:
Shame on you, Mr. Chianese, this is politics at its worst! Mr. Chianese owes Mr. Curran, his family, and the rest of Danbury an apology for his actions. He has not just embarrassed himself but also the electorate who put him in office expecting him to represent the best of Danbury.It should be interesting to see if the sixth ward voters of Danbury take this into consideration when voting, or if Councilman Chianese will easily earn re-election.