Thursday, February 7, 2008

Connecticut Primary Results

McCain Wins Big
Obama Narrowly Claims Victory

On Tuesday, Connecticut voters went to select who they would like represent their party for President. John McCain scored a big win in our state, and Barack Obama pulled off a surprising win. Here were the Republican results:
  1. McCain: 52%
  2. Romney: 33%
  3. Huckabee: 7%
  4. Paul: 4%
Hillary Clinton had a nice lead going into our primary, but she lost it. Here were the Democratic results:
  1. Obama: 51%
  2. Clinton: 47%
McCain has all but officially become the GOP nominee, and Republicans in our state showed that. Obama and Clinton are in a very tough battle which will last for a while. More results about Super Tuesday and Danbury will be coming soon.

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