Now, it is surprising that Republicans are viewed as so strong on th
ese issues because of the War in Iraq, but if this poll is right then there is only one person who is best to be the Republican nominee. He is a non-Washington politician, outspoken on fighting terrorism, critical of the War in Iraq but connects its outcome to our protection, and he believes that national security is by far the most important issue. The best candidate for the Republicans to nominate is Rudy Giuliani, if in fact they will focus on national security as their number one issue. This is because he isn't seen as the "Iraq" candidate such as John McCain is. He stresses national security which is something Mitt Romney tries, but his record as Governor is mainly on fixing the economic problems Massachusetts had, not focusing on security. Fred Thompson is a fresh new face, but doesn't have much experience, which may turn people off.
If Republicans focus on national security they need to be able to
connect Iraq with it, but in a positive way because we all know that Iraq will be one of the biggest issues, and almost seventy percent of Americans disagree with it. Giuliani has something about him, where he will stress the importance of fighting terrorism because if we don't we will face another attack. It's something that no other candidate has. He is probably the best candidate to be able to put a positive spin on Iraq. Another thing about him is that he is very well liked, and has a good likability rate. He is probably the most positive Republican candidate, and people like what he did in New York after September 11th. He is truly America's Mayor, and is the most moderate Republican running who could beat someone like Hillary Clinton.
It should be interesting to see how far Republicans take the issue of national security because talking about it could seem like getting into a mess, and hurting them more. It should also be interesting to see how far Connecticut's congressional candidates take national security. I guess we will just have to see. I will say one thing, if Mike Bloomberg decides to run for President, we might as well start getting used to saying "President Clinton" once again because Republicans will not be able to pull it off, no matter how much they stress national security.
Can you do a post on Bloomberg and his changing of parties and possible Presidential Candidacy? I'd like to see what you think about it.
When I have time I will try to post all on Bloomberg and his chances. For some reason I am viewing this a little differently than most people.
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