This year incumbent Republican Mark Boughton is facing Democrat Helena Abrantes for Mayor. Boughton was a former history teacher at Danbury High School, and former State Representative. He was elected Mayor in 2001 by only 139 votes, but easily won re-election in 2003 and 2005. Abrantes served on the Common Council during the 1990's, and is also a former City Clerk. She lost her bid for a second
term in 2003, and since has opened a family restaurant named Atlantic Restaurant.

This year, accomplishments as well as a vision for the future needs to be what we look at when supporting a certain candidate. In his six years in office, Boughton has done a lot for the city. He has focused heavily on education, and renovating our schools. He has built a new Fire Station on the west side of our city, and has a new Police Department being built. He has presented a new plan to preserve open space, and started an impressive city call line -- 311.
Abrantes criticizes Boughton on tax breaks given to developers, higher taxes, and not doing enough to improve and attract people to the downtown area. She says she would like to do many things if elected, such as add twenty-four new police officers, preserve more open space and keep our environment clean, improve downtown, and fix traffic problems. All very bold beliefs and ideas.
Abrantes also says Boughton went the wrong direction when confronting the issue of illegal immigration. Though she has valid points, the Mayor has confronted the problem, which is a very serious problem. He has tried heavily to influence talk within the federal government to address
this issue. Though it's a national issue, it may never get discussed to a great degree without the influence of local residents throughout the country. That's what we've seen in this city.

This election also needs to be about the future. We have serious overcrowding issues within our school system, who have to make traffic improvements, and attract more people and businesses to the city, as well as many others. We need to elect someone who can deal with these problems.
Abrantes has run on a message that "Danbury can do better", and of course it can. Boughton says that he wants to continue to make Danbury the “greatest place to live, work, and be educated." Though Abrantes has come up with bold ideas, it is puzzling how she would go about them, and get the funding needed to support them. Yes -- Danbury can be better, but it is not in bad shape, and not headed in the wrong direction.
Based on his record of accomplishments, and ability to get thing done, Mark Boughton has earned a fourth term as Mayor.