Now, I don't think that Danbury voters who watched the debates probably changed their view on certain candidates, but they might have been impressed with some of the second tier candidates.
The Democrats:
In my opinion, Barac
k Obama won because though he may not have given the best answers to some questions, he looked, acted, and sounded like a President. Hillary Clinton did fine too. She wasn't extremely impressive, but when she spoke you could see that she spoke very passionate about various issues. John Edwards didn't do well. He seemed as if he wasn't that into even being there. Candidates such as Dodd and Biden didn't speak enough, whereas Bill Richardson was not that impressive. And Mike Gravel........what an interesting person! Clinton and Obama are still definitely the top two candidates. However, Obama is closing the gap between him and Hillary.

The Republicans:
All the candidates must have mentioned Ronald Reagan at l
east once, which towards the end got to be irritating. But, if I had to pick a winner, I would have to go with John McCain because he spoke very forceful and answered his questions in a very powerful way. Rudy Giuliani was not that impressive, and his views on certain social issues could really come back to hurt him. Mitt Romney looked like the President, and overall did well. The others were sort of lost in the crowd. Brownback, Huckabee, and Hunter could be interesting candidates, but they didn't talk that much, and people aren't focusing on them. It was well managed debate, but not very enjoyable when you are trying to keep track of ten people. McCain, Giuliani, and Romney are still definitely the top tier candidates. McCain may pick up some points against Giuliani.

So, what did you think? Whatever the case, we still have a very long and interesting road ahead!
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