Democrats have their own plan, which happens to call for higher income taxes. Governor Rell has her plan which focuses a lot on education. And the Republicans have a pl
an, which calls for no more tax hikes. It is sort of an odd twist because the Republicans have not put out their own budget plan in a very long time. In fact they are actually getting a lot of positive feedback for their plan.

The question now is, what is going to happen? The Democrats have a super majority which pretty much throws away the Republican plan, but they will still fight right up until the end. The Governor has recently said that she will veto a plan made by the Democrats to increase the income tax even more than what they wanted to do. She has now mainly sided with the rest of the Republican lawmakers in saying that no new taxes are necessary. Governor Rell does say that she would like her bold education proposal carried through.
So, the name game has started and because everyone is accusing everyone else, nothing is really getting accomplished. The future of all of this is really unknown. We will definitely have an interesting week to watch all of this develop. Stay tuned.