The first candidate is Rudy Giuliani. He was Mayor of New York City from 1993-2001. What may make or break it for Giuliani is if he will be able to make voters remember September 11, 2001, and remind them that the threat of terrorism is still very big. If he can do this then he is in very good shape. Giuliani is consistently ahead of all of his Republican rivals for the presidency in all national polls. The most recent from Polling Report is:
Rudy Giuliani -- 34%
John McCain -- 17%
Fred Thompson -- 10%
Newt Gingrich -- 9%
Mitt Romney -- 6%
Danbury Republicans are not very conservative. They usually support the more moderate candidate for President. For example, John McCain won Danbury in the 2000 primary. What is different this time, is that when you put all the Republican candidates together, McCain is not the most moderate candidate --- Giuliani is. This could be good news for the former Mayor, as I predict that Danbury Republican voters will support him, and the state of Connecticut will as well. The latest Quinnipiac Poll shows Giuliani with the lead:
Giuliani -- 43%
McCain -- 27%
Romney -- 4%
Gingrich -- 5%
If Republicans across the country want moderate views, and Giuliani is the nomine
e, he could definitely win northeastern states, and possibly Connecticut. As of right now, most polls show Giuliani with leads over all of his likely Democratic opponents. In Connecticut, Giuliani trails Hillary Clinton by a very reachable number:

Clinton -- 46%
Giuliani -- 44%
In Fairfield County the results are very similar, however Clinton has a slightly bigger lead:
Clinton -- 47%
Giuliani -- 43%
So, what does all this mean? Well, it is still very early, but if voters not only in Connecticut, but throughout the country, want a moderate, independent voice to be their next President, then Rudy Giuliani is on track to become it. Don't mark my word, but I believe Giuliani will win the Connecticut primary, and if he is the Republican nominee, will win Connecticut in the general election.
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