This past
November, 24 year incumbent Representative Nancy Johnson lost by about 12% to State Senator Chris Murphy. Johnson was ousted mainly
use of the Democratic tide, and claims by Murphy that she was to close to President Bush.
In November of 2008 it will be the Republicans first chance to re-claim this seat. Some
history about this district is that before Johnson, Democrat Jim
Maloney held the seat. In 2002 the current fifth district and sixth district were put together because the state's population declined, and we lost one of our
Congressional seats. Congresswoman Johns

on represented the sixth district, and then beat
Maloney in 2002.
Before being elected to Congress,
Maloney was State Senator of the 24
th district. He won the congressional seat in 1996 after an unsuccessful bid in 1994. Republican Mark
Nielson, the current State Representative of the 138
th district, succeed
Maloney in the State Senate in 1996. He then challenged
Maloney in 1998, and came very close to beating him. He did so again in 2000, but lost by a wider margin.
The 2002 election gave Republicans the seat for the first time in six years. Now that they have lost it, they need to find someone to fill it. An article in the Hartford
Courant shows three people who have interest in this seat. They are talking about taxes. You can click the link below to read the
This has just started. Much more to come in. Stay tuned!